jazzyade says
14 years ago
"A life without stress is a life without challenge and passion" ~ Loretta LaRoche.
latest #8
14 years ago
jazz ni ya de?
14 years ago
bukan nes... haha.. ni quote dr bukunya Loretta, ttg stress management, highly recommended buat orang2 stres.. hahaha..
14 years ago
kirain lagu.... pantesan panjang..... ckckck... gw jg lagi stress niih.haha
14 years ago
whooaa.. ad yg stress ni! ayo baca bukunya Loretta.. hahaha.. stress kenapa lw
14 years ago
perlu nih kayaknya kl emang tu buku memotivasi.. gw blm nemuin alasan gw stres mslhny de.. rsanya full but actually it's blank! hufff
14 years ago
wahh... gw bingung jadinya.. haha... klo katanya Loretta, berati lw punya passionate life! Thx to that.. hehe...
14 years ago
Perhaps a way to counter the negative aspects of stress is to give yourself permission to spend equal amounts of time on positive pursuits:-)
14 years ago
i had a passionate life? wow..never realized it b4. u're absolutely right..that's why i try 2 give my time on smthing i like to do...*sigh*
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