wonders 14 years ago
where is she going~
doesn't have a particular destination in mind. Someplace pretty, hopefully.
glad! Mostly. "S-so how have you been, brat?" [[I feel so weird using the Ukranian "brother," I feel like I'm calling you a name. ><]]
smiles "I've been ok, Siestra... how about you? it's been long since we last spoke..." ((ikr xD <3))
smiles a bit. "Yes, too long. I've been working. Winter's close to ending at home."
hums "I see...for that I'm glad. You like spring, da?" smiles
nods vigorously, "Oh yes, I really love it. It's nice, and the clothes people wear get more lovely."
smiles "I wish it was warmer at my place... but I'm glad for you, siestra."
a little bad. "It's cold a lot at my house, too. Sometimes it gets warm...maybe you could come and...visit?" she finishes tentatively.
tilts head "...would your boss let me?"
bites her lip. "I think so. I'm supposed to be working on getting along with you, so..."
chuckles "That's good to hear... I'd be delighted to do so."
this could really work out! As long as Ivan doesn't, you know, overstay his welcome. >>;
pretends not to notice how creepy that is and just smiles back.
pats her cheek "Should we go then?"
nods a bit hesitantly. "We can walk back..."
nods "Go ahead..." smiles
begins walking, then stops. "W-wouldn't you rather walk with me than...behind me, brat?"
...nods "I guess so, da" giggles and steps by her side
brings them home, really hoping this won't be awkward.
waits for her to open the door with a smile
meets his smile, in her opinion, bravely, and leads them in. "Would you like something to eat?"
shakes head "Nyet, I am not hungry...you?"
fidgets. "No, not really." She wonders what else she's supposed to do. "Anything else you'd like?"
shakes head and sits on the sofa "I am not thirsty, thank you..."
"Oh..." and really wishes he was hungry or something so she'd know what to do with herself.
chuckles "You don't have to be this awkward, sister..."
more awkward now that he said not to be awkward. ;A; "I-I'm sorry!"
just trying to help ;A;! "It is fine...sit with me?"
nods in relief and sits down.
pats her back "I'm glad you let me visit, siestra..."
lets him. "Yes, it's certainly been...some time. I'm sorry my house isn't very nice..."
smiles "It's pretty as always. You tend to worry too much, siestra..."
plays with a piece of her hair. "You're probably right, but sometimes I can't quite help it."
keeps patting her back gently "It is fine, it's part of your charm~"
okay with the patting so far. "If you say so...well, sometimes you *have* to worry."
nods "Of course. You have to be ready if somebody tries to hurt you..."
looks thoughtful. "And nothing gets done if you don't worry a little bit. And sometimes you have to take care of people."
nods "Like you took care of us."
nods shyly. "That was such a long time ago."
giggles "Not that long... we're nations, time doesn't work the same for us."
keeps playing with that hair. "True...but it...still feels like a long time since then, to me."
nods "We have changed, da?"
nods, not sure what to make of that. "The whole world is different. Well, in some things. I still have to harvest."
nods "Of course... but you're getting stronger now, da?"
for a moment, then smiles suddenly brightly. "I am, I think. Good things keep happening."
smiles along "I am glad for you, sister..."
decides something and turns to face him. "And I'm glad for you, too, for everything you've been doing to make your people happy."
blinks "...oh, well" smiles "Thank you..." not many people tell him that
a bit embarrassed now. "It's just that...it feels like...things keep getting better for you...eversincecommunismended."
twitches, and muffles a 'kol' down his throat "...Indeed."
kind of feels like she overstepped something here. ;A; "I - I just mean that...t-things have improved. Not that it was bad before."
takes a deep breath, communism is a no-no "...of course" smiles
sighs in relief. "A-anyway..." She trails off when she realizes she doesn't know what to say. ><
sighs "... I'm sorry siestra. There are just subjects that are kind of... touchy to me"
fidgets. "I'm very sorry, I wasn't trying to bring up anything uncomfortable."
nods and places a hand on her hand "I know..."
had thought this had been going so well. : <
"I-is there something else you'd like to talk about?"
chuckles, already feeling better "Not really...is there something -you- wish to tell me?"
if this is an interrogation. ;A;
to know everything. Always. c:
searches her mind for something to tell to appease him. >< "Um...I...was starting a petition. To stop mail-order brides. It's a bit silly."
...chuckles "I should do the same... say, sister, what do you think of America?"
for a moment. "I think that he...has very good intentions." She wonders if this is a safe answer.
nods "...indeed." smiles "Thank you, I was just wondering..."
works up the courage and asks, "What do...*you* think of him, nowadays?"
chuckles "...I like him. We're kind of dating, actually."
may or may not have just choked on air. "You- you are?! Oh, how - how nice for you! I - no one told me!"
laughs "Not many people now. It's just..." sighs "America needs somebody to forget about England."
a bit bewildered by this but nods along. "You- I'm sure you're very happy together. I'm glad."
pats her back "I'm not sure if it's going to work, but i'll do my best. Do you approve...?"
for a moment with a mile, and just nods. [[BAI BAI ILU.]]
smiles back "Thank you" ((BYEEEE <3))