14 years ago
had heard about the Nordics celebrating Walpurgis Night. Not about to be left out of a chance to drink, he was at the pub.
latest #118
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Oh, hello! What brings you here? Or do you want in on this as well ... no, you're too AMERICAN to want that!" He laughs uncontrollably.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Ah, hello, then." He continues drinking his beer at an alarming rate.
14 years ago
gets indignant. "Oh, aren't you the judgemental one? You break up with me and then expect me not to drink?
14 years ago
Well, fuck you and your volunteer army and Lafayette and all those fuckers who caused the Revolution! You moron moron moron moron moron!"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Well, if you weren't such a moron to hook up with IVAN, maybe I wouldn't have such an attitude!"
14 years ago
continues. "Has it ever occurred to you that you are the cause of all my drinking? Every time I drink, it's all your fault!"
Arthur is
14 years ago
making no sense at all but is too drunk to care.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I did not start this drinking until after the Revolution, now, did I?"
14 years ago
sighs. "It's too late anyway. Even if all of it were to be reversed, it's now ingrained into my culture."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I'm sure Hong Kong had part of it as well, but your desire for 'fleadom' from me was the beginning of the end of my empire."
14 years ago
yells, "THEN FIX IT, YOU BLOODY BASTARD!" He looks into his beer. "Things will never be the same."
Francis was
14 years ago
looking for Arthur, and figured he would be drinking so he shows up at the pub, a little surprised to see Alfred there...not Arthur though.
14 years ago
scoffs. "Francis, when will you ever learn? We serve PEOPLE here. People. NOT FROGS."
Arthur is
14 years ago
about to cry into his beer himself. "I was once on the top of the world, and then, just as I was enjoying things, everything came crasing
14 years ago
--crashing down."
14 years ago
rolled his eyes. "I don't know why they serve you anything, you drunk. Oi, why are you making Alfred cry?" He mumbled walking over to him.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"It's because I'm a regular customer. And I'm not making him cry! He cried about driving me to drink all on his own!"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"And my life is not ruined because of beer. My life is ruined because of fleadom. Fleadom from being taken under my wing."
14 years ago
pulls Alfred into a hug. "There there, You did no such thing~" He glances at Arthur. "Oi, I'm blaming you for making him cry."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Would you like me to make you cry, too? Because I have plenty of dirt on you."
14 years ago
threatens "I'll do it. I made Austria cry by reminding him that Mozart wrote songs about eating shit."
14 years ago
"Don't think I won't do the same to you."
14 years ago
glares at him. "Non you are not, Alfred calm down. Arthur is just a mean jerk..."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"You gained your hero status AFTER that."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"What counts is that you changed your ways, at least. That and Snape kills Dumbledore."
14 years ago
pats his back. "You are. Do not listen to the drunk. You help people~ Where Arthur just hurts them~"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I do not hurt them! You hurt them with your arrogance and your ... your frogginess!"
14 years ago
snorts giving a small chuckle. "Non, I do believe that you are the one to hurt more people than I~" He pats Alfred's back again.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"That IS history! You demanded your 'fleadom' rather than allowing me to state my case. I was only trying to help, and you started a WAR."
Arthur says
14 years ago
14 years ago
runs after him. "Where are you going?" He runs back in to finish his beer, then runs back out.
14 years ago
((No wonder Alfred broke up with him.))
14 years ago
follows them~
14 years ago
extends a hand, the best he can.
14 years ago
watches moving closer to Alfred.
14 years ago
helps him up. "Did you hurt yourself?"
14 years ago
scoffs. "Careful. I bet he has warts."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Let's hope so. It was just a flesh wound, I'm sure."
14 years ago
rubs his back.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Please explain the original reason. I'd really like to know what happened 200-some years ago."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"You never loved me in the first place, or you'd accept all of me, like I accepted all of you, even the moronic ideas, the pie-in-the sky
14 years ago
optimism, the tendency to be completely unable to read the atmosphere. I accepted your flaws. I guess you're too good for mine."
14 years ago
sighs and just lets them argue for now.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I suppose you're just comfortable on that fucking high horse of yours. After all, when you're a hero, who needs being down to earth?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I guess I shouldn't expect you to quite realise the severity of your actions or where they led."
14 years ago
glances at Alfred and sighs turning to Arthur. "Can you stop being a jerk for one minute? Mon Dieu.."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"You're an unnecessary part of this conversation, as you were part of the initial problem."
14 years ago
"Non, I do not think so."
14 years ago
glances at Alfred. "Oui, what is it..?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"As I recall, you aided heavily in his bid for 'fleadom.'"
14 years ago
nods. "Of course I did~"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"So that makes you part of the problem!"
14 years ago
sighs. "You have grown quite a bit. I do not think it is that. Arthur, cannot understand that what he does towards people *hurt* them."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"You're speaking as if I myself have not been hurt."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"If you've learnt something from the experience, perhaps that is not necessary."
14 years ago
shrugs. "You do a lot of things to others. So, I don't have any sympathy for you. Non, you should not Alfred."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I bet you would, too, if you were not such a weakling."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Not to worry. From what I heard, Ivan's former communism is rubbing off on you already. You should be fine."
14 years ago
"I am not. I have won many wars." He pats Alfred's back.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"How long, might I ask, did your empire last?"
14 years ago
smiles. "A long time~ See, Alfred. You are better off without Arthur."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Well, I suppose a week is a long time for you. And as for you, Alfred, what about Obamacare? Your own people are saying that's communism."
14 years ago
stumbles over after being hit. "That's what I'm referring to. You're violent as well. When will you ever learn?"
14 years ago
cant help but grin and give a small clap.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"You've had worse, you poof."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"And you learn to get off your fucking high horse and accept people for who they are. Stop acting like you're better than everyone else!"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Because you know what? You're not. You have your share of flaws as well, and the sooner you realise it and ACCEPT not only your own but
14 years ago
others' as well, the quicker we can move on with our lives."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Then who's going to be the hero when you fail?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"There will come another time when you need a hero as well, and you'll be too caught up on being the hero to realise you need one."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"And that's the problem. You can't accept your own imperfections, so how the fuck could I expect you to accept imperfection in others?"
14 years ago
sighs and wraps his arms around Alfred pulling him into a hug. "It's alright..." He looked at Arthur. "Could you, you know be quiet?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"You can't turn to someone who will only whisper pretty words you want to hear into your ear forever. A real hero faces these things."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"No. I can't. This is something he needs to hear. He might not want to hear it, but if he wants to grow at all, he must."
14 years ago
"I think he gets it. Now just leave him alone, now is not the time."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Fine. See to it that he does understand it instead of merely letting it go in one ear and out the other."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I really shouldn't trust you with anything, but ... just don't fuck up." He walks out of the bar, or stumbles, rather.
14 years ago
snorts, patting Alfred's head. "I'll do better than you~"
14 years ago
flips him the bird, then decides to stick around, sitting on a stool away from them, sure he would fuck everything up.
14 years ago
mumbles something about "anything to get in his trousers."
14 years ago
sighed, continuing to pat his head. "Oi, we should get out of here. The air is polluted~"
14 years ago
sits there, wondering where he went wrong.
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