Vivi is
14 years ago
finishing up making the picnic basket for her and Greg.~
latest #132
14 years ago
knocks on the door, a bunch of variegated tulips in hand.
14 years ago
smiles, wiping her hand on her apron that she put on over top of her wester style get up, of a lacy top and cargo Capri's. She headed to the
14 years ago
door and opened it. " Hello there handsome.."
14 years ago
smiles. 'Morning~! You look wonderful today,' He says looking her over. It was a sensible outfit for a themepark to, something he'd been_
14 years ago
worrying about.
14 years ago
"so do you~" giving him a quick peck on the cheek, and eyed the flowers. " For me? or does it come with the outfit?" she giggled.
14 years ago
laughs lightly, holding them out for her, 'They're for you of course...'
14 years ago
Smiles, taking them. " They're lovely. I just finished, come in while i put these in water so we can head out, alright?" she turned to_
14 years ago
saunter her way into the kitchen, finding a vase and filling it for the tulips. shortly after, she stripped the apron off and set everything
14 years ago
into the basket, closing it tightly. " there we are~ Ready?"
14 years ago
enjoys the view, nodding when she questions him. 'Yes..' he replies, stepping out into the hall to let her lead the way.
14 years ago
pet's her kitty goodbye and locks the door. "I'm really excited! I haven't been to an amusement park in a long time~"
14 years ago
can't believe he missed the cat. 'Me too, it's changed since I last went...' he holds out a hand for the basket, starting his way to the car
14 years ago
can hold the basket to at least the car, so grabbed his arm instead and squeezed it gently. " Well then we're both in for a treat, huh?"_
14 years ago
she told him, then climbed into her side. placing the basket on the floor between her feet.
14 years ago
would of put it in the back. He climbs into his side, starting up the car. 'You should wear trousers more often.'
14 years ago
Explains she feels safer with it by herside so she knows it's safe... and blinks. " Why's that?"
14 years ago
smiles to himself, pulling out the drive ans starting off to the theme park 'You just look nice in them...'
14 years ago
"oh..." she blushes, looking down at her folded hands upon her lap. " Well, thank you.."
14 years ago
fidgets slightly, then looks over to him driving, smiling and reaching her hand over so it rested upon his leg, squeezing and caressing it_
14 years ago
gently. Just wanting to touch him..
Scotland is
14 years ago
distracted from the road slightly. He glances briefly over, a small smile on his face. This as kind of nice... 'No need to say thanks, it's_
14 years ago
the truth.'
14 years ago
's hand twitched a bit, smiling. "You know... I like western style of dating... eastern is all about matchmaking and family honor.." sighs_
14 years ago
a bit at the thought.. " this whole thing just made me think of it.. and it makes me glad."
Scotland is
14 years ago
distracted by the hand again. 'I'm glad too. I think you should be able to choose who you like.' He keeps his eyes on the road, as he says,_
14 years ago
'And I doubt I'd be suitable honour wise, so this way works best for me.'
14 years ago
squeezes his leg again before laughing. " Well I don't care so much for honor... I know my own honor and that's good enough for me."
14 years ago
shifts, smiling still. He nods vaguely in agreement, noting that there about half way there.
14 years ago
bit her lips, unsure if she should of said anything, so stared out the window.
14 years ago
glances towards her when she goes quiet. '... Have you ever done the matchmaking before?'
14 years ago
blinks, turning to look at him.... then nods slowly as if she was ashamed. " Yes..."
Scotland thinks
14 years ago
it's nothing to be ashamed of, 'I'm guessing it didn't work out.'
14 years ago
shakes her head. "It did... I was engaged once... Yao choose, I was young.. But he was sent to war.." looks down.." He was killed.."
Scotland thinks
14 years ago
that's horrible. He glances over, 'I'm sorry Hun. I shouldn't have asked.'
14 years ago
shakes her head again, smiling. " Not your fault, you asked and I didn;t have to answer... plus it's been a while. So don't worry."
14 years ago
still thinks it's horrible. He drives into a small line at the entrance to the park, ((cause nations can travel magically~)) and turns to_
14 years ago
look at her fully. 'It is my fault, I should be working my hardest to make you happy today .'
14 years ago
looks up again. " Oh.. Greg you don't need to feel like that. Really? It's for US not just me.. okay?"
14 years ago
smiles softly, leaning closer. 'And I'm happy when you're happy so it all works out.'
14 years ago
giggles, lifting a hand to place upon his cheek, stroking it gently. " Well thank you.."
14 years ago
smiles, glad he remembered to shave. 'No problem.' He moves back, smiling and drives up to the ticket booth, paying after he's given_
14 years ago
directions on where to park.
14 years ago
glanced out the window, spotting the huge farris wheel and suddenly got super excited. Almost there!
14 years ago
laughs at her excitement. 'I was thinking we'd leave the big wheel for last when it's dark and the park is lit up.'
14 years ago
nods, she was thinking the same thing. " Sound's perfect~"
14 years ago
smiles, parking the car, 'Till then there's plenty to do.'
14 years ago
gabs the basket, stepping out of the car. " And I can't wait to do it all~.. with you.." she waited for him to round around the car so she_
14 years ago
could hold onto his arm.
14 years ago
rounds the car, looking at the basket. That would be a bother to carry around all day, wouldn't it? 'There's some lockers in the park if_
14 years ago
you want to keep it there?'
14 years ago
looks down to it. " Oh yeah.. good point, I just didnt want to leave it in the car or it would of gotten hot..but that's a good idea."
14 years ago
smiles, taking her hand as he offers to take the basket with the other. 'It's just I wouldn't want something to happen to it...'
14 years ago
lets him and nods." That's very considerate of you~ thank you.. I agree, let's store it in a safe area for later~"
14 years ago
just nods, starting the park and the lockers. 'What did you make?' He says, glancing at the basket.
14 years ago
"Sandwiches, small turnover pies, sushi even thought I don't know if you like it.. if not that's fine~ thus why the sandwiches are here."_
14 years ago
smiling up at him, reassuring.
14 years ago
nods, 'Hnnn, it's not that popular in Scotland... I'll try it though.' He smiles back, 'It sounds like you went all out though. Thanks.'
14 years ago
waves a hand. " Naw... Just wanted today to be kind of special is all... that's all."
14 years ago
smiles, stopping infront of some lockers and putting the basket in. Locking it he says, 'Well you already have just by being here.'
14 years ago
snorts a bit. " You're so lame." she teased and grabbed his arm, ready to explore all the rides and fun to be had that day! (( We'll time_
14 years ago
skip over it even the picnic till we get to farris wheel okay? ))
14 years ago
((Sure~ I've been failing at rp-ing lately so x_x *fraaaazzled* ))
14 years ago
(( FF!! NO NO You have not! I have XD ))
14 years ago
(( Nope xD ))
14 years ago
(( YUSH XDD ))
14 years ago
wraps his arms around Ly, smiling as they wait in the line for the ferris wheel. 'Almost our turn, he states eyes warm. Today in his_
14 years ago
opinion had been a success.
14 years ago
"Yay! I've been looking forward to this one all day~" she wiggled in glee. Today HAS been such a fantastic time, so many rides! She forgot_
14 years ago
how much she loved roller costers.
14 years ago
smiles. He liked the animals the best probably. They're called over by the worker who opens the door for them both. 'Ladies first~'
14 years ago
steps in, sitting down across from him as they start going up. Just like a child, she leans over the edge watching the grow grow smaller_
14 years ago
under them. Giggles in delight.
14 years ago
smiles fondly, watching her. It was nice to see her this happy. He hesitates before saying '...Ly?'
14 years ago
"Hmm?" she leans her head a bit closer to him to hear what he has to say, but was too concentrated in how high they were as they stopped_
14 years ago
almost at the top of the ride.
14 years ago
((So.... when you say, properly court eachother... what did you mean? *fails* Like dates or...?))
14 years ago
(( LOL yeah, like actually start dating/in a relationship XD did you think I meant marriage? XD ))
14 years ago
((... no, I just wasn't sure. ))
14 years ago
((... Okie XD well there you go, that's what I was thinking, unless you wanna do it differently! that's cool XD ))
14 years ago
takes her hand softly, starting to say, 'I just realised the other day, when you suggested this, that I've yet to ask you on a proper date'
14 years ago
rubs the back of his neck, 'Despite that... I already thought of us as in a relationship and that as wrong of me... so Ly, would you like_
14 years ago
to date?' He blushes, he's not very good with words.
14 years ago
blinks, feeling her hands being grabbed and fully turned to face him, listening to his words before she gasped a bit. Date? " Like... be in_
14 years ago
a relationship?" she asked, wanting to make sure that's what he meant...And she was going to ask HIM that!
14 years ago
beat her to the punch. He nods, 'Yeah... a relationship.'
14 years ago
's cheeks darken even more than they probably already were, and looks down. "I-I....I was going to ask you that.." she murmured, but looks_
14 years ago
up with eyes that told it all even before she nodded to accept. " Of course.."
14 years ago
lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 'Good.'
14 years ago
laughs a bit, covering her mouth. " Cute.."
14 years ago
scowls, blushing.
14 years ago
she then slips on to his lap, straddling, as the ride began to descend. and wrapped her arms around his neck, placing her lips upon his_
14 years ago
hot and passionately, tongue licking along his lips.
14 years ago
responds in kind, hands running up her back. He smiles into the kiss, feeling unexplainably happy.
14 years ago
murmurs little things in Vietnamese, smirking as she nibbles along his lips, jawline, neck then back up to his earlobe, tugging at it.
14 years ago
groans a little, trying to keep an eye on when they have to leave. That's hard though with a very tempting woman in your lap doing very_
14 years ago
interesting things.
14 years ago
felling the ride level out, she hops back over to her side, fixing herself before the door opens, smiling innocently to the man. "Thank you!
14 years ago
it was lovely!" she steps out and stretches, glancing back. "Coming?"
Scotland is
14 years ago
dazed but nods, 'Hmm, yeah.' He says 'Thanks' to the guy, walking out to follow Vietnam... 'You're a tease.'
14 years ago
smirks, holding out her hand for him. " I can show you how much I can be if we rush out of here right now and you find us a dark place to_
14 years ago
be nasty in your car as soon as possible.." she murmured, only suggesting.
14 years ago
only needs a suggestion, he's male afterall. Squeezing her hand, he grins guiding to the entrance. 'I'll take that as a promise then.'
14 years ago
giggles nodding. " totally~"
14 years ago
laughs, moving to wrap his arm around her waist rather than hold her hand. 'You should giggle more often.'
14 years ago
turns to face him, still smiling. "You think so?"
14 years ago
nods, 'You should~' He stands outside the car, opening the passenger side door for her.
14 years ago
smiles and slides into the car.... how could this be real
14 years ago
14 years ago
doesn't know what she's thinking as he slowly closes the door and the makes his way to his side, sliding into the car.
14 years ago
kept smiling as she got into the car, the sun had already set, so the night was for them. "Would you... like to stay over.. tonight??"
14 years ago
((I thought he was getting car sex XD''' *fails*)) smiles, looking over towards her. 'I'd love to.'
14 years ago
(( LOL.....WELL.. oh yeah! *EPICFAIL* HOW ABOUT.... she jsut asks that.. so they know where to go after it?? XDD ))
14 years ago
(( No, it's fine xD I fail xD ))
14 years ago
"good... now..." she leaned over, almost growling into his ear as she smirked, licking the edge of his lobe, murmuring breathily into it. _
14 years ago
"Find us a spot soon... or I'm going to start working on you while you drive.." and even as she said that her hands lowered to his lap,_
14 years ago
already tugging at the belt around his waist.
14 years ago
takes in a deep breath, trying not to react. He has to drive afterall... but it's hard. He lifts her hands from his lap, giving them a_
14 years ago
each a quick soft kiss before saying teasingly, 'Give me a chance then hun.'
14 years ago
eyes him up, pouting a bit. " Alright... but make it quick.."
Scotland gives
14 years ago
her a quick kiss before starting the car, 'Your place right?'
14 years ago
nods. " Unless you can't wait.." she murmurs, smiling as she starts to unbutton her over shirt, revealing a, quite low, black tank top,_
14 years ago
purposely pushing her breasts together for him to drool over.
14 years ago
glances once, twice and then again before noting a road off into a forest and pulling in, parking quickly. 'Tease.'
Vivi gives
14 years ago
him a foxy grin as she unbuckles her self so she could lean over to pull it seat back and straddle his lap. "Yeah.. I know~"
14 years ago
grins, eyes looking over her appreciatively as he smirks back. 'I love it though...' he says, hands running up her thighs and then sides.
14 years ago
growls in approval to his touch, her own hands caressing his masculine arms, enjoying the rippling muscles under the skin. "Good~" smirks.
14 years ago
slips his hands under her shirt, caressing her skin. His eyes soften despite the mood, sitting up to kiss her.
14 years ago
smiles back, touching her lips upon his as he did, starting out gently.
14 years ago
smiles against the kiss, really rather happy. His hand lightly traces lightly across her back.
14 years ago
reaches her had down to find the chair lever, so the back of the seat lowered all the way for them. " much easier~"
14 years ago
hums, falling back onto his elbows. 'Much better,' he agrees, smirking up at her.
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