So-crates says
16 years ago
there might one day again be actual beef in the burgers bought. :-) (hungry)
latest #13
Sheilah has
16 years ago
a hard time believing that.
So-crates says
16 years ago
Sheilah says
16 years ago
Oh right, they are atill allowed to call it beef then...
So-crates says
16 years ago
Yeah, and they can say, "Contains REAL Beef!" and be telling the truth. Hm. I'll be they go as low as 1 PPM (Part per million) :-)
Sheilah says
16 years ago
Yea well, the "fit but not recommended for human consumption" crap was even better than that! :-&
So-crates says
16 years ago
Was it? Really? I don't know. (rofl)
Sheilah says
16 years ago
pretty sure. I think it incuded "parts" and that was the reasoning for the labeling. It was long ago though...
So-crates says
16 years ago
But they don't have to put the other ingredients down! Boo. Hiss... X-(
Sheilah says
16 years ago
:-& eeewww.
Sheilah says
16 years ago
:-& eeewww.
Sheilah says
16 years ago
huh. That happened twice... (thinking)
So-crates says
16 years ago
Oh, wierd. Not a problem though. More comment for me. :-) Thanks.
Sheilah says
16 years ago
Ok. Yea, things were a bit goofy at that time. I was having a hard time plurking. *shrugs* :-)
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