aw, why?
i didnt get accepted to college
plus because of it my step dad is being an ass
he tells me i can still apply at other colleges now but isnt it to late
its already on my applycation
maybe you're not meant for school, maybe you should try some new things because the life you've been living doesn't seem to suit you.
in my opinion you're like the man who falls into the hole... have you ever heard that analogy?
well there's this man walking down the street and he comes across this hole and just walks forward and falls into the hole...
... The next day he walks down the street and up to the hole and sees it. "Ah a hole" and then he walks forward and falls into the hole.
the next day he walks to the hole again and says "that stupid hole, it keeps making me fall" He walks up to the hole and falls in.
The next day he sees the hole, "that stupid hole. You know what, It's my fault I fell in" and he walks around the hole.
Now what do you think that means? Why would I tell you this?