XiaoHong~OTW! says
14 years ago
exam tomorrow but i still uses com. I GOT STUDY HOR! MT only...
latest #7
SEOWLENG` [: says
14 years ago
same here, haha, jiayou! (gym) aiya, actually you don't need jiayou still can score high.
aBIGail:D says
14 years ago
XiaoHong~OTW! says
14 years ago
LOLS! Where got~~
SEOWLENG` [: says
14 years ago
your chinese so pro
SEOWLENG` [: says
14 years ago
anw god in heaven :-)
XiaoHong~OTW! says
14 years ago
seowlengx3: huh? What you talking about? is "got" not "god"
SEOWLENG` [: says
14 years ago
haha. sounds the same mahs
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