odenized asks
16 years ago
whether Plurk is too 'involved' for the mainstream to pick-up on it
latest #12
iconjohn asks
16 years ago
has mainstream ever picked up on Twitter? I think not
lekahe asks
16 years ago
how do you define mainstream?
iconjohn says
16 years ago
lekahe Ask non tech friends if they know what Twitter is, friends at work for instance
16 years ago
Well, my co-workers hardly know what internet is :-P
16 years ago
But I'm sure they've heard Youtube
16 years ago
Heard maybe but I think most of them don't actually use it
odenized says
16 years ago
iconjohn - I think Twitter has become mainstream. If the average internet user has heard of it, then it's hit the big-time.
16 years ago
personally i love both twitter and plurk
16 years ago
i wished plurk was easier to use on my ipod touch tho
16 years ago
i use twitter alot on my ipod touch
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
odenized - yeah, it's pretty intense, but it's a good intense, you know?
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