14 years ago
latest #160
wind freedom says
14 years ago
both are important
Hunter says
14 years ago
ya...both important
ZeroLimit says
14 years ago
but which one is more important?
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
coz u study bcoz of ur further
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
study can enhance our thinking skill
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
money can enhance ur management skill==
Hunter says
14 years ago
power of mind is important to make money
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
but a poor ppl cant study
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
they don hav chance 2 study
Hunter says
14 years ago
who say
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
i said
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
in malaysia now everyone got the equal chance
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
in malaysia
Hunter says
14 years ago
bcos now u in malaysia
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
nt in many countries
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
bt u onli think of malaysian
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
u should further ur eyesight!!!
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
look far
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
don b tat naive
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
world is big
Hunter says
14 years ago
malaysia this small place u cant do well n manage well
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
ppl onli listed out 10 richest guys in d world
Hunter says
14 years ago
u nt need to say other countries
Hunter says
14 years ago
u can in the list of 100
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
not 10 cleverest guys
wind freedom says
14 years ago
God is more important
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
u should be happy liao
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
but juz 4 tis ulu malaysia
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
ifu wanna compete
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
don compare 2 malaysians nia
Hunter says
14 years ago
nt yet finish learning walking n yet wan fly
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
but no legs u cant even walk
Hunter says
14 years ago
we must noe our ability
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
u study a lot4 wat???
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
not 4 ur future???
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
juz 4 fun???
Hunter says
14 years ago
for oversea
Hunter says
14 years ago
wan fly
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
haha....jus kidding
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
juz nw u said wanna compare 2 malaysians
Hunter says
14 years ago
ya...i said so
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
though study important
Hunter says
14 years ago
so wht
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
money more important than study
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
if compare 2 tis realistic world
Hunter says
14 years ago
with study n hv knowledge u cn use ur mind to earn money
Hunter says
14 years ago
if nt u use ur energy to earn money
Hunter says
14 years ago
like buruh kasar
Hunter says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
his study
Hunter says
14 years ago
if BILL GATES dun study since primary school
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
bt he stil can earn alot
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
he quit his study in uni
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
he oso earn a lot
Hunter says
14 years ago
BILL GATES still study in primary n secondary school
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
he din use any of his stuidies knwledge
Hunter says
14 years ago
HE USE HIS language
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
bursa nid language???
Hunter says
14 years ago
if he dun study in school he cant do ducumentation
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
nop....he said in his book
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
he said he juz nth but dare 2 risk nia
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
so study reali important???
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
tat important*
Hunter says
14 years ago
that is old generation
Hunter says
14 years ago
now gt internet
Hunter says
14 years ago
all world-wide
Hunter says
14 years ago
u dun study
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
i said important 2 study
Hunter says
14 years ago
u say money
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
bt not tat important if compare 2 $$
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
gt my point??
Hunter says
14 years ago
so that mean study still hv its value
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
if a book n rm100 drop in front of u...u wil choose wat??? juz can choose one
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
study gt its values
Hunter says
14 years ago
ur first ans is money
Hunter says
14 years ago
dun deny
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
money more important
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
i stil stand on my point
Hunter says
14 years ago
bcos u dy study in primary school n secondary school so u will say so
Hunter says
14 years ago
if for the africa children.....
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
they wil gali diamond rather than study
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
in south africa
Hunter says
14 years ago
their country like that bcos they dun study n controlled by foreigner
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
u sure???
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
they gt conquer by foreigner gua....
ZeroLimit says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
one more things to add.... with the knowledge the people can create the market with system that can show all the stocket value
Hunter says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
and the people with knowledge is needed to keep the system work well
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
u can gain ur knwledge from else whr nt necessary study
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
from experience
Hunter says
14 years ago
in which field
Hunter says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
in some is must
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
4 example?
Hunter says
14 years ago
experience make u pro....but with the knowledge from study make u even professional
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
but ppl do all tis bcoz of wat???
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
bcoz of $$
Hunter says
14 years ago
but some bcos they reli hv the heart to rescue people
Hunter says
14 years ago
we cant conclude all bcos of what we c
Hunter says
14 years ago
some nt of $$
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
==4 example??
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
juz one example
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
who tat great???
Hunter says
14 years ago
that one in africa one
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
opppssss then me reali don knw it
Hunter says
14 years ago
Mother Teresa
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
ya her!!!!!!
Hunter says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
but without money she cant save them
Hunter says
14 years ago
suddenly remember
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
with the knowledege she know the way
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
but stil nid Z$$
Hunter says
14 years ago
but still knowledge from study
Hunter says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
so study important o $$ improtant
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
bt without $$ stil can study
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
that why i said so in first
ZeroLimit says
14 years ago
Kelvin...i will grab that rm 100 for can buy a few new books with that...
Hunter says
14 years ago
if he dun study he cant even read a word
Hunter says
14 years ago
in that few books
Hunter says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
ZeroLimit: seng!!! nice answer
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
so without $$ u oso cant buy a book 2 read
Hunter says
14 years ago
can borrow ma
Hunter says
14 years ago
Hunter says
14 years ago
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
oso nid 2 pay back
KeLviN 이한용 says
14 years ago
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