donreisinger likes
16 years ago
Plurk so far, but wonders how long its popularity will last in the face of Twitter. Any guesses?
latest #7
jonhansen says
16 years ago
It's going to take a lot to get people to move because as Leo says, everyone is already on Twitter and you go where your friends are!
spiri thinks
16 years ago
that if Twitter gets working again there won't be much of a chance for Plurk
jonhansen says
16 years ago
Here's my opinion in 140 words or less well more actually
Tales says
16 years ago
If twitter manages too get back and stable with IM etc.. Plurk or any other service for that fact Has now chance
marcop says
16 years ago
stability is the key people are tired of twitter being down. Loosing a user is easy they go to where they fell better Returning them is hard
stkxppro says
16 years ago
it's getting up there
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