I am genuinely asking this, btw.
It'll only hurt their feelings if they notice
Generally IIRC Twitter doesn't give a notification that someone has deleted someone else from their Twitter
actually, I don't know what's going on with her so I'm not sure if I should be doing this.
I've glimpsed posts on her LJ about her going to the doctor's, getting stuff done, etc.
but the most recent post on her LJ was the only one I read in its entirety and it sounds like she's got medical problems...
so idk, maybe whatever she's been through in the past few months have been hell and she's suddenly got an "awakening" or smth.
and I'm trying to be nice about it (because idk what really *is* going on, I'm just guessing since I haven't really read her LJ).
but she's become really irritating.
remember how she was going on in my LJ about sucking up to the UOL lecturer and getting him to write me a reference letter?
I kind of said no, in a way, because while reference letters are good and all that, I'm confident enough to get the job I want without one.
and now, she's been posting on Twitter about how well she's doing lately all because she got her reference letters from her lecturers.
what is with her and being so obnoxious lately?
not that she wasn't always obnoxious but she's usually at a level I can take.
well you've always hated her so I'm not surprised lol.
she fucking called me christina
you should send her a card: "I'm Christine, bitch."