sunbeamkitty is
14 years ago
ready to get my phone back. I feel naked without out it. NEVER get smartphones wet. I hope it comes today.
latest #6
frail says
14 years ago
did you say that you didn't have a decent [default] insurance plan for your phone? do you have any recommendations now?
raygun.daisy says
14 years ago
i feel lost without you havin the phone too! ;-) rebecca needs me to watch the baby for about an hour at 6
14 years ago
what time were we planning foods?
sunbeamkitty says
14 years ago
Jesse, I do not have an insurance plan on the phone. It never transfered when I got the Eris and now I can't add one on.
sunbeamkitty says
14 years ago
Verizon found a loophole for me because my battery did not get wet. Just the phone.
sunbeamkitty says
14 years ago
I was lucky.
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