courosa says
16 years ago
I feel bad getting new fans and not plurking. :-)
latest #10
BarbinNebraska says
16 years ago
I used the 'find your Twitter friends' application on Plurk. That's how I became your fan!
GingerLewman wonders
16 years ago
if you'd feel more kinship here (and less guilt) if you had more "friends," and therefore heard more conversation.
BarbinNebraska says
16 years ago
what GingerTPLC said Twitter is more one way. More conversations here on Plurk!
Loonyhiker says
16 years ago
i feel when i comment on twitter - it is just hanging out there if no one knows what i'm referring to
vdub144 says
16 years ago
Bah. Enough of that. Plurk and respond Alec - the other people will take care of themselves. You know this.
dmcordell says
16 years ago
We each do what we can. Read & respond within the parameters of your life. The occasional bullseye is worth more than wild potshots.
rorowe says
16 years ago
Plurk is still the last "place" I check. Often times, I just scan (responded tab is great!).
bcrosby says
16 years ago
Join the club! :-)
jstew says
16 years ago
I twitter and plurk at the same time with Ping FM
nycrican2 says
16 years ago
I also used the same feature as Barbin and instantly became your fan.
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