♥ PEARLYN [: wants
14 years ago
to know how to solve factorization using calculatorrr ! stupiddd lahhs , stingy person dunwan teach ! :-(
latest #13
press mode
then press 3 eqn
then press 3 again. aX^2+bX+c=0
♥ PEARLYN [: says
14 years ago
eh whr is th 3eqn ah ? onli haf eqn 2 leh .
♥ PEARLYN [: says
14 years ago
ohhhh ! i know alr . thn got a____ b____ c____ how write wor ?
a = the number in front of X^2 b is the number in front of X. c is the number lor.
♥ PEARLYN [: says
14 years ago
onli can write number with - + etc ahs ? ehhhh th X^2 is square root hor ?
♥ PEARLYN [: says
14 years ago
ohhh aiya so confusing ! wed u teach weilin , weilin teach me :-D u demo for her hor !
♥ PEARLYN [: says
14 years ago
what ~
huh. wei lin dont know how to use ah. Lol
♥ PEARLYN [: says
14 years ago
she dunno .
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