wonders 14 years ago
what is she talking about
thinks 14 years ago
he shouldn't be concerned. Or anything.
isn't concerned. At all. Really.
thinks 14 years ago
he's lying. :|
tch-es. "Alcoholic!" Though she's really not one to talk.
rolls her eyes. "You are! You drink all the time."
pouts "Not ALL the time...!"
snickers. "Fine. MOST of the time."
scratches his chin "It's not like I get drunk anyway..."
shrugs. "Are you sure of that?"
swears she's seen Luca drunk. :|
pushes his glasses up "What did I say when drunk then?"
...."I don't know. I was drunk too!"
smirks "What's your mission?"
crosses her arms. "It's a secret mission!"
pouts at him. "If I tell you, the mission will be ruined!"
huffs, putting her hands on her hips. "Because!"
pushes his glasses up "That doesn't make any sense..."
shrugs. "It doesn't have to make sense!"
rolls eyes "You're right, it's coming from YOU so..."
kicks him in the shin. "Jerk!"