the bailout money should be distributed to every documented american who is over 18
latest #8
I'm liking this idea very much. I am NOT liking the idea that my taxes will be bailing these jerks out.
it would be the perfect economic stimulus, every taxpayer would receive around 500.000 dollars, which would solve the housing/ mortgage
screw the assholes on wall street and in the government who got us in this mess
did you hear one of McCain's former spokespersons ran a corporation into the ground and floated away with her golden parachute money?
I can't remember her name, it's the one that said Sarah Palin wasn't able to run a Fortune 500 company, then she disappeared.
Carly Fiorino, who ran HP
yep that's her. I'm dreadful with remember the names of people I don't respect. Handy talent.
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