15 years ago
Ok, you guys, I'm sorry. I am trying, I really am. But have you SEEN this?
latest #27
15 years ago
wtf! what was she trying to say sounds like trying to type not good i might add :-(
jon426 says
15 years ago
SteveBob says
15 years ago
I saw it earlier. Incredible.
gecko68 says
15 years ago
I'd prefer the pitbull with lipstick as VP.
regulluz says
15 years ago
CBS forbid me from seein the video since I am in Puerto Rico, but YouTube was nice enough! Ain't she great?! (doh)
gknee says
15 years ago
"I don't know, you know" (doh)
gecko68 says
15 years ago
gknee says
15 years ago
gecko68 that is hilarious (rofl)
Polarfrz says
15 years ago
Are any of them any good? At least she didn't talk about watching FDR on the TV about the Wall St Crash. :'-(
15 years ago
OMG i couldn't watch the whole thing. I didn't think there was a public figure less articulate than W
15 years ago
15 years ago
meanwhile McCain makes lovely jokes like "Ba-ba-ba, ba-bomb Iran", they're ALL flawed, this just happened to be funny
15 years ago
15 years ago
but Feld Obama is *smart*! SP i inarticulate and can't think on her feet to respond to predictable questions.
15 years ago
smooth move Feld! I hope you're wrong about the jinx. :-( Perhaps folks are tired of 8 yrs of *not* smart....
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