does "misspelling" exist in Chinese written language? If so, how common it is? Any example?
latest #13
says 2010-04-07T11:03:42.000Z
i guess no! Because Chinese written language are not "spelled", they are more like composed of some symbols.
says 2010-04-07T11:09:01.000Z
no, only miswriting, such as some dots, lines missing...etc
Interesting! Any other comments?
says 2010-04-07T13:11:57.000Z
If you define "misspelling" as "using the wrong word with the same pronunciation to compose a term", we do have something like that.
says 2010-04-07T13:12:25.000Z
e.g. "另外" and "令外" pronounce the same, the first one means "besides", but the second one is just a miswriting/misspelling
I think the definition is misspelling in English is different from Chinese but all of your comments are helping me to clarify the difference
In my mind it has sense but I don't know how to explain it with words
Ok, in English like in Chinese you can misspell because of similar sound but sometimes you misspell because you forget a letter or add ..
another letter by mistake (like when you type too fast). Does the second type of mistake exist in Chinese?
says 2010-04-07T14:19:33.000Z
We will not forget letter since Chinese is not a spelling language, each character has its own shape
says 2010-04-07T14:21:36.000Z
About typing too fast, it depends on what input methods you used.
says 2010-04-07T14:21:42.000Z
Different typing methods will cause differnce output when you type too fast...
Ok! Thanks! All the info was very useful!
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