mikusenseless wishes
14 years ago
to have a summer job... i'm really BORED...
latest #11
wiccaisnotsatanic says
14 years ago
wahaha! same here... im desperate to earn sum bux!! lol!!
mikusenseless says
14 years ago
yeah... yeah... that's why you need to pursue that teledevelopment training coz that'll surely be our edge...
wiccaisnotsatanic says
14 years ago
yah ill be damned if i they didnt invite me
mikusenseless says
14 years ago
better call them tomorrow... :-P
wiccaisnotsatanic says
14 years ago
hargh! ill seriously bomb them to pieces seriously!! LOL
mikusenseless says
14 years ago
you should practice using right punctuations dear... haar! haar!
wiccaisnotsatanic says
14 years ago
what the heck?! hargh! i was numbah one on the phone interview! haha I rocked the house baby!! or so i think...
mikusenseless says
14 years ago
that was only the phone interview
wiccaisnotsatanic says
14 years ago
anyhowz i bet those dweebs only contacted yah
mikusenseless says
14 years ago
i don't think so.. well anyway, gtg.. jewel wants to sleep now... bye! luv yah!
wiccaisnotsatanic says
14 years ago
ight dear luv yah too!!
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