jackung says
15 years ago
trials is finally over! (LOL)
latest #12
florythegirl says
15 years ago
ma good lo..congratulations lo..haha :-D
jackung says
15 years ago
LOL not goodd! bio sucks T.T
florythegirl says
15 years ago
erm..how bout chem.>??
florythegirl says
15 years ago
rate of reaction came out..?
jackung says
15 years ago
uhh ya sure out d ma =.=
florythegirl says
15 years ago
haha k k ..so proud of myself..haha
jackung says
15 years ago
riteee~ the teacher told us come out d le1
florythegirl says
15 years ago
lol..y yr teacher so kind wan..ish..
jackung says
15 years ago
lol like duh! xp i duno wat i wana do now xp
florythegirl says
15 years ago
florythegirl says
15 years ago
good idea.rite..??
jackung says
15 years ago
LOL wan meh =.=
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