14 years ago
wills her headache to go away.
latest #137
14 years ago
((Mind if I come in~? :3))
14 years ago
(( Not at all, dear~. <3 ))
14 years ago
comes bearing tea and cinnamon rolls~
Tino is
14 years ago
at a table, massaging her temples and trying not too hard to think of things, for fear of making it worse.
14 years ago
knocks on the door, hoping she's home.
14 years ago
groans and pulls herself away from the chair and drags her feet over to the door, slumping against it. Mutters softly. "Who's there...?"
Berwald wonders
14 years ago
if she just woke up and shifts a bit. "Erm, s'me Tino...I uh, want'd ta bring somethin' fer ya..."
14 years ago
slowly opens the door, a hand over her head. "You really shouldn't have..."
14 years ago
tilts his head. "Ah. did'ya..jus' wake up er somethin'. I can come back..." *feels bad, cause she looks exhausted*
14 years ago
laughs nervously and waves a hand dismissively. "N-No, no... I've got a bit of a headache."
14 years ago
nods, ruffling through the back he's carrying. "I brough' tea~ Do ya th'nk that'll 'elp?" *smiles a little awkwardly*
14 years ago
goes to take a seat on the couch. "That sounds pretty nice, actually..."
14 years ago
smiles and steps in, taking that as a "yes" and moving into the kitchen to find Tino's kettle. "I'll make some'n fer ya then.."
14 years ago
sets the kettle on the stove and goes to put the box of cinnamon rolls on the table as he waits for it to boil.
14 years ago
mumbles a soft thank you as he heads into the kitchen and presses her back against the couch, draping a hand over her face.
14 years ago
finally the kettle goes off and he hurries to grab it. He pours two mugs full of tea and walks over to Tino, sitting down next to her. "Ere-
14 years ago
-,hope this helps..."
14 years ago
takes a mug from him and peers into it. "Thank you..." Blows lightly at the mug before taking a careful sip.
14 years ago
smiles and nods, sipping at his own mug. "I brough' some cinn'm'n rolls too, if'n yer hungry at'll..."
14 years ago
smiles a little. "That's really nice of you... and it sounds really good... but I think -
14 years ago
I'll let the tea set in my stomach before I think about eating."
14 years ago
nos, understanding. "O' course..." *sips his tea, feeling a little awkward, but hoping the tea he brought helps*
14 years ago
smiles and pats his shoulder lightly. "I appreciate it, you have no idea."
Berwald gives
14 years ago
a little smile back. "M'glad ta help..." *moves a hand to pet at her hair a bit and then go back to his tea*
Tino feels
14 years ago
the petting and thinks it is rather nice. "Oh! I almost forgot... I have something for you that I didn't get the chance to give you on -
14 years ago
14 years ago
tilts his head, blushing a bit. "Er y-ya do?"
Tino says
14 years ago
"I do!" she sets her tea aside and stands slowly. Heads into the kitchen and returns after a while with a vase full of paper flowers.-
14 years ago
"I colored and handcrafted them all myself! It was quite a task but each of them is unique in their own little way. Much like you, Berwald."
14 years ago
nearly drops his mug, and can't help but blush heavier and smile. "Y-Ya...oh...its so nice Tino...s'fer me? Real'y?" *he has no idea what-
14 years ago
to say, and so he just sets his mug on the table, then stands up and walks over to Tino, pulling her into a big hug*
14 years ago
nods. "Especially for you. It's to thak you for all you've been doing recently..." Brings her arms up around his neck and returns the hug.
14 years ago
looks down. "Even then, I don't quite think it's enough, but it's really all I think I'm capable of giving. I can't compare at all..."
14 years ago
((FFF I'll BRB. I need to eat dinner right now. *TIMING FAIL*))
14 years ago
(( xD It's okay <3! ))
14 years ago
((Back lol~ <3))
14 years ago
(( Welcome baaaack. >3< ))
14 years ago
((Thank you~ >//w//< <3))
Berwald is
14 years ago
smiling super wide, holding her close and feeling so elated at the moment. "S'perf'ct Tino...yer perf'ct. S'all I c'n ask fer.." *tilts his-
14 years ago
-head and presses a tiny kiss to side of her head*
14 years ago
blushes lightly. "I-I'm far from perfect..."
14 years ago
chuckles a bit. "Yer...close 'nough fer me.." *blushes hard at this and sort of hides his face in her neck hoping she's not weirded out now*
14 years ago
blushes as well and looks anywhere but at Berwald, making a soft sound and shivering slightly at his breath against her neck. "U-Um... -
14 years ago
t-thank you..."
14 years ago
sighs quietly and finally pulls back a bit, keeping his arms rested on her shoulders and idly playing a bit with her hair. "er welcome..."-
14 years ago
leans forward again and gives one more light kiss to her forehead before pulling his hands away and picking up the vase of flowers. "So-
14 years ago
-cute~ Jus like ya..." *chuckles a little and smiles, staring at the decorative little flowers*
14 years ago
closes an eye as she's kissed once more, then looks up at him as he pulls away. Pouts a little. "I-I'm not cute... that's not a-
14 years ago
compliment for a guy, you know..."
14 years ago
chuckles lightly, turning and giving her an imploring look. "M'sorry~ Ya wan' me ta say yer hands'm then?"
14 years ago
covers her face. "Compliments are so embarrassiiiing."
14 years ago
can't help but chuckle a bit more at this, reaching out to pet at her hair again. "M's'ry...but they'r true, ya know..."
14 years ago
shakes her head. "No way...!"
14 years ago
nods in contradiction, ruffling her hair. "Mhm~ Ya think m'lyin'?"
14 years ago
her face reddens again, thinking there's so many things she could say, instead she looks down. "N-No... well... maybe... I... I don't know."
Berwald gives
14 years ago
a little sigh, smiling softly and stepping closer to her. "...
14 years ago
((*stabs enter key OTL;*))
14 years ago
*"...ya wan' me ta prove it...?"
14 years ago
blinks, tilting her head. "How would you do that?"
Berwald is
14 years ago
blushing heavily as he finally is steps in front of her again, his hand still on her head. "If'n y'll let me...I c'n..." *shuts his eyes-
14 years ago
-then leans down and gives her a soft peck to the lips, his face bright red*
Tino feels
14 years ago
her face heat up and her eyes flutter shut, trying hard not to think of anything else. She brings a hand up to clutch her chest. -
14 years ago
doesn't know whether to return it or not as she's still unsure of how she feels, and... when she's a guy again... this isn't right.-
14 years ago
steps back after a while, her face considerably red. "I-I hadn't expected that." Places a hand over her lips, looking anywhere but at him.
14 years ago
looks down, coughing and bringing a hand to his mouth as well, looking so embarrassed. "M-M's'ry..."
14 years ago
shakes a little. "N-No... i-it's a-alright. I-It's r-really a-alright."
14 years ago
still looks like he feels bad for doing that without her permission. "Yer shakin' though...m-m'rly s'ry..."
14 years ago
shakes her head, placing her hands over her face. "I'm shaking because I don't know what to do! I don't know how I feel!-
14 years ago
It's all so confusing, that I... I don't know what to do..."
14 years ago
nods, understanding completely. "S'okay...I shouldn' 'ave done this..wit ya bein' a girl an all...but ya know." *finally looks up at him*-
14 years ago
tries to smile a little. "S'not cause yer such a cute g'rl tha' I kissed ya...."
Tino is
14 years ago
still blushing like crazy. Manages to look up at him in a questioning manner.
14 years ago
takes his glasses off, rubbing a bit at the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes. "S'cause...I like ya. R'g'rdless o' gend'r er anythin'.."
14 years ago
sighs. "I jus' like you. Tino."
14 years ago
looks down, wringing her hands. Now she feels horrible, but she doesn't know how exactly to make it up to him.-
14 years ago
She can't exactly force herself to feel the same way, even if there's something slight as it is. "I...I see..."
14 years ago
frowns. "I... I don't understand why..."
14 years ago
finally slips his glasses back on, looking at her with an unreadable gaze. "I don'...ex'p'c't ya to...m'only sayin' wha I feel. I'll...-
14 years ago
-und'rst'nd if'n ya don'...feel ta same way.." *is so red in the face and just plain frazzled...maybe he shouldn't have said anything*
14 years ago
from the start, she knows she doesn't want to hurt his feelings. She bites her lip and tries to consider. If to keep things peaceful and-
14 years ago
well-mannered towards the too of them, sacrifices had to be made. She wouldn't necessarily call this a sacrifice... but it wasn't something-
14 years ago
she felt comfortable doing. She's endured much in the past and, compared to that, this is nothing. She bit her lip and thought harder about-
14 years ago
it. It can't be that bad, right? Berwald was protective, kind, caring, surprisingly gentle despite the creepy exterior and aura he exuded.-
14 years ago
tries to rationalize this more and more and decides that the best thing to do was just to try and accept his feelings. Try to reciprocate-
14 years ago
even if she didn't quite feel the same way. At least he'd be happy and not feel so horrible about himself and she... she always made these-
14 years ago
kinds of difficult decisions simply to keep things civilized.
14 years ago
takes a step forwards and hesitantly presses a kiss to the man's lips. It is very chaste and terribly inexperienced.
Tino thinks
14 years ago
that... this couldn't be so bad, could it? Even if it's not what she wanted.
14 years ago
watches her carefully, mulling over the thought that maybe he should just leave. This was bad and so awkward and....she was kissing him?
Berwald is
14 years ago
surprised as he looks down at Tino, his face flushed and betraying his every emotion.
14 years ago
continues to convince herself that what she was doing, wasn't wrong, that her actions were rational... in the long run she feels like this-
14 years ago
might hurt Berwald's feelings later, but right now... right now. She hesitantly draws her arms around his neck and pulls him down slightly.-
14 years ago
brings the two of them a bit closer, that the kiss may improve ever so slightly. After a small time, she pulls away and lets out a few-
14 years ago
shaky breathes. Tears starting to sting at her eyes.
14 years ago
can't get a word out because he's melting into that kiss, stepping ever so closer to her and relishing in the wonderful feeling that-
14 years ago
-encompasses that kiss. He breathes heavy as she pulls away and he looks down at her, seeing her eyes turning murky with...tears?
14 years ago
looks taken back and puts a hand to her face, concerned. "...T-Tino?"
14 years ago
sniffles a bit and brings her hands up to rub at her eyes. "I-It's fine... I'm fine..."
14 years ago
strokes at her face, not convinced. "Yer not...wha's wrong?" *is so frazzled and confused and happy and damn it, he doesn't know what to do*
14 years ago
shakes her head. "I-It's probably something with me being a bit... emotional..."
14 years ago
sighs, leaning forward to kiss her forehead again. "Yer sure? I don'..like seein' ya upset..."
14 years ago
smiles slightly, rubbing at her eye once more. "I'm sure..."
Berwald gives
14 years ago
her a weak smile back, wrapping his arms around her once more and pulling her into a hug. He rests his head on hers, sighing and closing-
14 years ago
-his eyes. "If'n yer sure...an'..." *takes in a deep breath* "Was tha' kiss...a yes?"
14 years ago
reluctantly nods her head. "M-Mhm..."
14 years ago
smiles widely, and hugs her tighter. "M-M'so glad...."
14 years ago
smiles a little, feeling like she did something right, at least. She'd never seen Berwald this happy. Brings her hand up to pat his back.
Berwald gives
14 years ago
her one final little squeeze before stepping back and giving her this big dorky grin. He runs a hand through his hair a bit, chuckling.
14 years ago
turns and looks at the table where he left his drinks. "I ah...th'nk our tea wen' cold..."
14 years ago
nods slightly. "I suppose so... I'll go warm it up." She heads over to her up and then to Berwald's and retreats to the kitchen.
Berwald thinks
14 years ago
he could have done that, but simply murmurs a "t-th'nks" and sits down on the couch, trying to think about what just happened. He was so-
14 years ago
-happy of course, but now he was scared of screwing this up. He couldn't look at himself if he unintentionally pushed Tino away...
14 years ago
just sighs and runs a hand through his hair again, waiting for Tino to return.
14 years ago
returns with two steaming mugs, moving over to Berwald to pass his mug to him. "Here you are."
14 years ago
smiles at her and takes the mug, sipping at the tea and sighing. "Th'nks~" *leans back into the couch, watching Tino with a pleasant look*
14 years ago
smiles slightly and takes a seat beside him, looking down at the tea in her cup. Something about her smile was a sad one. Even so, she-
14 years ago
teetered to the side and leaned against Berwald's shoulder, scooting a bit closer.
14 years ago
glances at her and smiles softly, sort of lifting up his arm and wrapping it around her shoulder, pulling her close. "Ey there..."
14 years ago
closes her eyes and brings the mug to her lips.
14 years ago
sighs happily and closes his eyes as well, sipping at his tea and just enjoying having Tino so close to him.
14 years ago
sighs softly. "Berwald...? Would it be okay if I asked you something... a bit off topic?"
14 years ago
glances down at her and nods. "Ya~ Wha' issit...?"
14 years ago
looks towards him. "...how long did it take for you to turn back? To normal, I mean..."
14 years ago
tilts his head, pondering. "I wasn' a grl tha' long...a week? Ya..s'not long..." *rubs at her shoulder, chuckling* "Ya gett'n tires a bein'-
14 years ago
-a grl, hm?"
14 years ago
((*tired orz;*))
14 years ago
looks down. "...A little..."
14 years ago
nods, moving his hand up to pet softly at her hair. "I und'rst'nd..."
14 years ago
frowns. Things started to change once she turned into a girl, didn't they? Sighs. "I just want to go back to being... normal, you know...?"
14 years ago
nods again, tilting his head to look at her easier. "Ja, s'weird ta be a grl so rand'mly...I und'rst'nd Tino..."
14 years ago
nods slowly, keeping her gaze averted from the man.
14 years ago
doesn't quite notice her aversion, and just holds her close. He softly rubs at her arm and hums ever so softly, feeling he could almost-
14 years ago
-fall asleep just like this and be perfectly happy.
14 years ago
sets her cup aside and brings her arms around his waist very loosely. She buries her face into the side of his chest and sits there quietly.
14 years ago
blushes a bit as he looks down at her, but he only shifts slightly and moves his hand to stroke softly at her hair now.
14 years ago
closes her eyes and tries her best to enjoy the petting. "...Your hands feel nice... warm..."
14 years ago
smiles wider, continuing to pet at her hair. "M'glad ya think so..." *leans down a little and presses a soft kiss to her ear*
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