sherrme says
16 years ago
did the plurk tabs just change? I see All plurks, Me, Private and Responded.
latest #22
sherrme says
16 years ago
wasn't it My plurks before?
16 years ago
Yep, I noticed it about 30 minutes ago, but I have no idea when it actually happened.
Yvonne says
16 years ago
It was last week or I think
sherrme says
16 years ago
oh, I thought they *just* changed. Maybe I needed to refresh my browser tab.
StitchNRead says
16 years ago
just noticed it today...don't know when they changed
PurpleYarn says
16 years ago
they did change about a week ago, but the just changed again a few minutes ago
16 years ago
They definitely changed today.
16 years ago
We got the new "responded plurks" tab last week, but they shortened the tabs at some point this evening.
Yvonne says
16 years ago
ahh ok
16 years ago
I am Plurking way too often, I think. (s_unsure)
Wednesday says
16 years ago
I suspect changes are not always rolled out all at once to everyone, too, in case something goes catastrophically wrong with the first few.
Wednesday says
16 years ago
'Course, that would make some assumptions about how they do things, and I'm just a user.
Spingirl says
16 years ago
she can never get "my plurks" to work--it defaults to a blank timeline.
Spingirl says
16 years ago
but it's a moot point, because now I have the new, improved version. Let's see how that goes.
Spingirl says
16 years ago
Nope. Still flashes my plurks, then jumps to another blank timeline. X-(
16 years ago
What browser are you using, spingirl
16 years ago
Spingirl says
16 years ago
ermmm....Explorer?? (s_unsure)
16 years ago
Consider switching to Firefox. :-)
Spingirl says
16 years ago
oh dear. I guess I'll have to call in the resident computer expert. (s_annoyed)
16 years ago
I think it's more than worth it!
16 years ago
My "Me" tab changed back to "My Plurks."
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