desigu is
16 years ago
printing t-shirts right now.
latest #7
desigu says
16 years ago
just switched to the "hat cam" :-) for a couple of minutes till it gets annoying.
gwensutton says
16 years ago
I can't get the plurk hand to enlarge for me a tee, what can you do. I want several Tees made. (g_rock_n_roll)
desigu says
16 years ago
sure, I can probably do something like that gwensutton I'll do a graphic in a day or two.
desigu says
16 years ago
switched to "above the head view" because like three people came and left in about 10 seconds. think it was making them motion sick
gwensutton says
16 years ago
Yippie, let me know, if not here in at (g_rock_n_roll)
desigu says
16 years ago
will do gwensutton
desigu says
16 years ago
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