taizh says
14 years ago
arsenal very wtf....haha last minute...geng...
latest #9
PriscillaL.❤ says
14 years ago
weh. they're awesome not wtf XP
taizh says
14 years ago
really wtf la...haha i see until wan heart attack the wolf keeper save so many
PriscillaL.❤ says
14 years ago
LOL! two conclusion. either it's arsenal's players are geng, OR wolves' goalkeeper isn't geng. :-D
taizh says
14 years ago
wolf keeper geng until the last minute
PriscillaL.❤ says
14 years ago
LOL ya lor actually. Haih. But luckily arsenal still scored 1 xP
kahbeng says
14 years ago
shit la. MU score only 1 nia. haiz ...
PriscillaL.❤ says
14 years ago
Good ah XD
taizh says
14 years ago
actually mu din score...handball lai
kahbeng says
14 years ago
haha yaya. machelda
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