katat0nik wants
16 years ago
to fall asleep before the sun comes up *runs to bed* (LOL)
latest #9
Newdoll wonders
16 years ago
wot you're doing up before the sun, eeekkkk.. need sun to keep warmmmmmmm
Laleeta says
16 years ago
or you become a pile of ashes otherwise :-D ?
16 years ago
suspected vampirism also. (s_LOL) Good night! (s_bye)
16 years ago
omg your plurk page is soooo cute. I haz a jelus.
Laleeta says
16 years ago
I just saw it and your web page by the same occasion. I knew you were talented by seeing your store but wow (g_applause)
16 years ago
I know! (heart)
16 years ago
The sun, it burnsss :'-( I don't like seeing the sun rise unless it is a snowboarding day :-D hehehe
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