Kyee says
14 years ago
i just found out only in sabah and sarawak good friday is a public holiday (LOL)
latest #14
Kyee says
14 years ago
today here is public holiday!! u guys so pityyy...too bad u guys are not working here (LOL)
ring_a_Ling says
14 years ago
ring_a_Ling says
14 years ago
kai yee..u zhan heng here... :'-(
Clovier says
14 years ago
hehe...wat kind of public holiday?
ring_a_Ling says
14 years ago
n monday is easter izit?
m@nFr3d says
14 years ago
easter is sun la fren...
m@nFr3d says
14 years ago
haha..i noe tis long time ago la...u stay there sumore..
JasPer says
14 years ago
there got more holidsays?
Kyee says
14 years ago
pauline: good friday lo :-)
Kyee says
14 years ago
ks: hehe...i thought good friday is public holiday in whole malaysia
ring_a_Ling says
14 years ago
eh..last time good friday, my school no class cuti
m@nFr3d says
14 years ago
haha...nola...coz sabah n sarawak got more christian? not malay gov skul rite?
Kyee says
14 years ago
lol...ks u know so much..sabah sarawak got more christian u also know...
m@nFr3d says
14 years ago
coz there got more natives ma..
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