who so dare o??
ops....at classmate cham lar....peggy wanna hav volcanic erruption lo...beware eneryone....
tell that fu*king guy that he'll fail all 5 subjects this sem and if this do happen, tell him dun be too shock!! a B-I-T-C-H!!
really dislike him eh... very noisy in the class
so unlucky to have this kind of classmate.!
wow wow wow....penguin n a jie: u both hate him ar??? who's tat damnsh*t guy ar???
hmph.. he thinks like he is the lecturer... and he is the greatest in the class...
juz go in front of him and ask him to shut up
i wanna make my class stay in peace... dont wanna fight with him..
remain like tis...good good...ur imej need to be care of
got boys want my answer for exercises.... what the hell..
haha... im kind lah... helpful...
peggy9214: hmm....reli got boysss wan u le...u c, 's' o .....means...many
kaka92: how can i survive through these 3 months?
kaka92: you make me extremely speechless...
drink.eat.shitting, sleep
i wanna chase him out of the class!! seriously!!
yeah yeah....i am ur oni supporter...haha...
'oni supporter' ? so few? just one?
here's come the 2nd supporter
peggy9214: haha..u noe the meaning is fine lar...
two dy....penguin dun be sad..got2
i'm not sad of it! i'm furious!!
he distracted my concentration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya..i noe u r annoyed by somebody...slap him!!! twice!! left n right respectively!!!
i think i should try to love him...
huh?? r u okay penguin?????
coz mom said the bible teach us to love our enemies....
argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!holy u a......
nop..nthing..assume i'm crazy again
i hate him but i have to love him.... so pitiful....
you know, he even tiao zhang lecturers eh.. seems like he is the top... so bu yao lian!!!
throw his own face???a-ha-ha-ha....so stupid wor..
yup... then everytime got the answer wrong.... really lao tian you yan... this kind of ppl should go hell!!
aiyo~~~~angry penguin now~~~~~~~~
he's just a piece oh shit!
even bullshit is better than him, i guess!
really!!!!!!!!!! you should know what's d consequence if im angry,...
i dont wanna po huai my image leh just bcoz of this crap..
wei, show me his fu*king face if meet him around campus
5Stars: you do meet him.. on tuesday o sth... when we went open air and bought hotdog bun..
u din point out him for me
no point for me to introduce such a jerk to you.. wasting my saliva