want some of my scones? *smiles*
*stares, contemplates, this is hungary, but Hungary doesn't usually make sconeS* No thanks. I'm cooking myself.
Hungary? *stares with a raised eyebrow* of all the women, why her?
*didn't say that out loud* o_o;;
((whoops, didn't notice that. *puts on glasses*))
*smirks* and what brings you here, Holy Roman?
*holds out tea* would you like some? I'm positive some Earl Grey tea can cheer you up
The fuck? What are you doing talking about TEA?
*stares with a raised brow* Why, young man, tea is my most favourite type of delish of all times!
Huh, is it? Pfft, I'd rather drink hot chocolate.
*laughs* all right little boy, hold on a second... *comes back with a cup of hot cocoa and hands over to HRE*
*smiles* *pets your head*
(( Pffft, sorry for being so obvious. ^^;; ))
*stares at the mug, then flares up at being patted* What the fuck?! Do you think I'm small or something? *ignores the fact he's looking up*
*raises an eyebrow and frowns* young man, you shouldn't treat a man way older than you like that! ): <
*raises eyebrow* *looks around* little Italy and Hungary not in sight?
...The fuck? YOU are Hungary!
*eyes squint* .....Look, little chap, I know you're already an insane child, but you got that wrong.
*scoffs* I mean, why would I be Hunga--
*eyetwitches while looking to my chest*
*let's the little drop* Because you are? o3o
...... *touches own chest* ......b..bosoms......BOSOMS....???
...is this the first time you see some? *sighs*
*touch touch touch* *looks further down* *touches*
...... *face becomes deathly pale* ....I...I'm... *rushes to a nearby mirror*
*touches chest again, disbelieving* T-THIS IS MADNESS!!!
WHY AM I HUNGARY!?!?!?! *eye twitches*
*sips the chocolate* I dunno?
*glances over into the mirror* ...wHAT THE HELL?? *drops the mug* Ack! *weeps over the less of something valuable*
O_O ...... *rushes over* H-holy roman.....?
Fuck, I'm not that dwarf! *pouts* I'm a full grown man, not this... this... CHILD!
DDD: GEEEEEEHHHHHHH *is very, very shocked*
no wonder you curse a lot >_>;;
*smug smirk* oh well. >:3 *starts to pet your head*
*glowers* Stop patting my head or I will shoot you.
*grins evilly* you don't have a gun, son.
*smug grin* shoot me, and Austria will held you responsible along with Hungary and Prussia. :3
*narrows eyes* That bastard will not blame me!
*smirks* and even if he does, _I_ will be held innocent.
PFFF WHY YOU BRAT- *pinches your cheeks and pulls them*
AHHHH!!!! *shoots bullets in the air, flailing*
D'AWW HOW ADORABLE *big grin and bearhugs you*
*pulls on your ears, glaring* DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME ADORABLE!!
*whimper and tugs on your hair* okay, sweetie pie. *punches you*
*struggles, punching you back, then remembers he has a gun and points it between your eyes, pulling the trigger a bit*
... *stops halfway* R-Ro-- I mean Switz, please don't try to. If I die, so will you. *points a small dagger towards your heart*
you forget that I can pull the trigger and easily evade your sorry excuse for a knife. *smirks*
and you can forget that I have a knife exactly two inches near to your heart and I can stab you anytime. *grins*
*smirks* You know what? I don't care. *pulls the trigger a bit more*
*growls* *leans down and kisses you*
*eyes widen, sputters, but then freezes*!!!