hungry. well off for some hunting.btw, i'm back from NY! *runs towards the woods*
latest #12 *dropped jaws* New York? *laughs*
Did you find some tasty blood out there? *stared deep into Kachiri's eye*
So many. But still i'm craving for something. I'll try hunting gorillas
Gorilla's, your a veggie too?
being one. i said i'll try. but still craving for human blood. *yummy*
*shakes head* I hope you know what you're doing.
i know what i'm doing dear. i can't hunt without my sisters. i want to share dinner with them
well, ill go join you now. oh and please, no animal blood, it wont last long. *chuckles*
*shakes head* well, nothing is what i can do. Run along and find a delcious meal. *smiles*
Zafrina, ur back my dear. what took you so long??*smiles*
*looks at Kachiri* sorry sister. lets go.
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