VanessaGelinas hates
16 years ago
it when complete strangers get annoyed at the noises children make. They're children. Cope. They were here for less than 5 seconds.
latest #9
VanessaGelinas says
16 years ago
VanessaGelinas says
16 years ago
and he was sitting there playing WOW. it's not like he was typing some important document. LAME.
rwtySam says
16 years ago
wait - a complete stranger was at your house, complaining about your kids?
16 years ago
shawnd says
16 years ago
I hadn't been to the library in a long time... and was shocked that the rules were no longer.... "shhhhhh"
shawnd says
16 years ago
And I'm not talking about just kids... but teenagers and adults carrying on converstaions.
shawnd says
16 years ago
And the librarians, chatting up a storm at the front of the library....
16 years ago
it's the same way here at our library, there are always things going on
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