♥ anqi is
14 years ago
sad sad sad. I dont want to show u guys a sad face anymore but alot of things just happened. I cant.
latest #12
Wing1123 says
14 years ago
haiya jus show la, nvm de wat
♥ anqi says
14 years ago
I dont knw who i can talk to now.
Wing1123 says
14 years ago
apple nicole lo
♥ anqi says
14 years ago
I used to tell em' But im scared they will feel annoying. Cuz i felt.
Wing1123 says
14 years ago
== they will?
♥ anqi says
14 years ago
Im scared. And i know they wont
Amanda ♥ says
14 years ago
they will mehs ? -.- nicole i dunno lurhs . but apple wunt de :-) she's angel sent from heaven @ @
♥ anqi says
14 years ago
Im sure they wont. They guys very nice.
Wing1123 says
14 years ago
♥ anqi says
14 years ago
Immathug TC says
14 years ago
anything juz tell us. We'll help if we could =)
♥ anqi says
14 years ago
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