16 years ago
i feel sick. i am worrying about work, money and my OH. I want to go home I dont want to be here. I have2stay2cover my manager who is sick
latest #7
16 years ago
What's going on, hanniepants ? Are things ok with the OH?
16 years ago
allsorts. Yeah they are but hes got a meeting today which could mean that i will be looking for ANOTHER job this time next year
16 years ago
so that we can move somewhere were he can get a job if neccersary
16 years ago
I hate meetings like that. Had one when I worked with youth a quite a long while ago.
welshmillie says
16 years ago
16 years ago
I'm doing the job of two at the moment but it feel liks 4 or 5 especially as i cant have a proper lunch break or go off site for lunch
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