14 years ago
what do you think will happen to teacher creativity and collaboration when salary is tied to student test scores?
latest #9
mindelei says
14 years ago
The teachers at the school I was subbing at were saying they want the kids IQ's tested, so they can see if the scores line-up w/ the IQ's.
macmom says
14 years ago
teachers will only teach what is needed for the test
macmom says
14 years ago
school is going to be a horrible place for a kid
ScotLaudenbach says
14 years ago
that is already happening in many states where tests are the norm.
14 years ago
I came to this profession because I loved it and thought I could do good. I will leave it as soon as I feel that is not the case anymore.
macmom says
14 years ago
I'm with you. I am now on the assessment team for kids. No more, if it is tied to a friends salary. Conflict of interest. Can't be objective
ScotLaudenbach says
14 years ago
Giving up does not solve the problem, going on and changing things from inside the system works.
lauraleis says
14 years ago
it has already gone down hill (teacher creativity) and that only makes it worse.
murdockwong says
14 years ago
Passing come to see, say hello to you! (wave)
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