XinXin22 is
14 years ago
is dreaming of going to JAPAN!!! ^^
latest #99
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
hehe! Osaka! :-P
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
oh... i know how you feel...
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
homesick huh??
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
oh... u can do it! trust me!
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
so your staying in TCS??
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
if you want i can help you with your subjects next school yr...
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
hehe! kk~
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
hehe! no problem! ^^
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
those 2 subjects are pain in the neck! lol
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
me t0o!
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
i hate solving problems!
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! its really fun! especially doing the United Nations day!
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
yup...oh...i was suppose to check if your ok but my classmate told me that we should get prepared..:-(
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
hehe! well.. its not your fault...its just the stairs are kinda
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! i'm fun of you! your very fun to talk with...hehe
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! if only I could..
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
I would go to Japan and Korea! lol
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! me t0o!
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
im so in there fashion! :-P
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! kawaii desu~ :3
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
if i only had japanese blood!
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
i would give up my spanish and chinese blood! just to have both korean and japanese! lol
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! me t0o!
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
hehe! whY??
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
yeah! I envy my classmates who went for the cebu career trip! :-(
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
I have my summer
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! im gonna be working for 15 days and after that I'll already have 5k!!! :-)
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! i still dnt know where im! but my aunt said i will just get those posters glued on walls..
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
clean those areas and go home..
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! but you have summer class right..
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
im sorry...but one of the should have a passing grade...
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
i wanna help you
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
i'll ask my cuzins if they can find another job...kk?
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! that would be great! :-P
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
sure! :-)
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
its really hard to find a job here..especially if your underage..
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
its probably 6k
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
if 30 students will the 200ph reg...
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! but the more students who will go the lesser you'll pay..:-)
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
hahah! w0w! on the career trip??
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
oh...ok! lol! it depends on where your staying or whats your plan in going
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
but I'm sure you should plan first and know where your going...or at least study about the place...
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
hehe! actually i dont have any idea...but our adviser said we should go there in the
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
hehe! I dont wanna go there! :'-(
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
yup! hate seeing my grades! :-P
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
hahaha! me t0o! worst thing!
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
haha! oh! crap! my butt hurts! lol
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
oh...gtg...gudnyt isay...:-)
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
sweet dreams..^^
XinXin22 says
14 years ago
see you tom.! take care~
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