Gavin'L says
14 years ago
to think i still like u after so long~
latest #14
XinFu says
14 years ago
like chanel ar?
Gavin'L says
14 years ago
Lmao Chanel? i know her like only 2 months? never even saw her before.
Gavin'L says
14 years ago
my long is 2 yrs.
XinFu says
14 years ago
haha go find her she cute plus chio lol
Gavin'L says
14 years ago
chanel? haha true
XinFu says
14 years ago
arbo u come lot see lo she always at there walk walk damn cute one ^.^v
Gavin'L says
14 years ago
ok lo some day bahh Lols. u seemed so intrested in her why nv jio?
XinFu says
14 years ago
erm nahs my mei mei lai de jio for? somemore just break where got so fast go accept ppl one
Gavin'L says
14 years ago
U so kind~ haha next time meet den say hahaa
XinFu says
14 years ago
am evil lol not kind btw now she single many ppl jioing liao lols~!
Gavin'L says
14 years ago
not me and idc -.-
XinFu says
14 years ago
haha kk lax lax let mark
14 years ago
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