Chergie wonders
14 years ago
how she had survive 48hrs with just 4 hrs of sleep? :-&
latest #7
14 years ago
catch naps as and when you can
14 years ago
and why u need to survive 48 hrs?!
Chergie says
14 years ago
i am having insomnia... *boo hoo hoo*
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle
14 years ago
Oh no go see doc?
Chergie says
14 years ago
huh so serious must see doc... dun scare me... :-(
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle says
14 years ago
no la get a medical opinion better no? how long Liao?
Chergie says
14 years ago
past 2 weeks been zz only the most 5 hrs a day.. last nite is the worst i only zzz an hr..
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