14 years ago
i hate working
latest #7
Nieve Thor/Ani says
14 years ago
Why? Anyway welcome to working life ;-)
14 years ago
haa.. 1 more month to go
Nieve Thor/Ani
14 years ago
Avrilynn: working life deppends on the boss and the staffs. You got good boss but bad staffs..it can be hell for you. vice versa.
14 years ago
the fact is i feel so lazy laa
Nieve Thor/Ani
14 years ago
Avrilynn: Tak dapek nak nolong :-P (I can't help you on that)
14 years ago
hahahhaa... uwaaa hate monday
Nieve Thor/Ani
14 years ago
Avrilynn: I agree on that and my tooth just getting worst again. :-(
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