very excited because i did so amazing on my cross country meet, which i had to wake up and 6am for.
latest #19
i improved by like a minute, and i definately am staying on varsity, the course was amazing and was actually fun to run on.
yay tori!!!! did you talk to chipotle?
the hour long bus ride there, the half hour walk through. oh and last night i called him up and he and i (with sam) rode bikes to zestos.
it was kinda dark out so my foot got all scratched up from a bush in the woods, hahaha.
i know, the last part was just me being stupid, and sam was there, but most of the conversation on the bus was between chipotle an i.
we even shared headphones on our ipods at one point.
yay tori!!!! this is progress
i know! ahhh... middle school love.
the most accurate middle school relationship poem...where no one knows what a hobart is
well mine isn't exactly like that.
whats the difference from our relationship to most?'re not technically *dating* but i think it can last more than a week
thank you for that. i love your confidence.
lol thanks. i'm a very poptomistic person
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