TearSong shares
14 years ago
latest #9
TearSong says
14 years ago
am amazed by the amount of detail and the textures on the Varda Crown made by Illusions
TearSong says
14 years ago
(that is an unedited snaphot from SL btw)
Mermet says
14 years ago
that is beautifully detailed
14 years ago
14 years ago
thank you... I love that you're looking so closely. I also love that you're letting it shine on its own, three+ months of solid work-
14 years ago
rarely gets anything more than a little blurb or part of another ensemble... so thank you for taking a moment to REALLY zoom in (cozy)
TearSong says
14 years ago
thank you, it really is some of the best work I've ever seen in SL. I love it!
14 years ago
Just read your post... thank you so much (heart_beat)
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