that he doesn't really use it much anymore
Depends it is the best social system, if you never have friends over then yes, if you do then no
na, you can always use a Wii
You can save me the trouble of buying one for my wife and kids.
dude I was thinking of getting rid of my Wii too. still undecided.
only if you have a girlfriend and you get Wii Fit...
WHAAT! Not even mario kart?
anyone wanting to get rid of their wii let me know. my son wants one sooooo badly. he's like, suffering, poor kid.
of course! give it to me!
if you want to make some money sell it for the ungodly amount people charge on ebay
yes send it to my kids lol
i've a Wii/ps3/xbox360, they have diff game for playing on 'em, i found deals all the time as local yardsales on sat morns
Every day that goes by, the price drops. Sell now and maybe re-buy later. But you'll miss out on MarioKart, which I don't understand
all depends on what you wanna do with your console...
Sure, get rid of it if you want to pick up an easy $300 on eBay.
nah, it's so cheap you may find a game you like.
nah! but i'm a packrat, so don't ask me. lol!
I have the 360, Wii, PSP and DS and time to play none of them... would get PS3 if they made games for it.
no game console ... exploring the net is enough gaming
dawgfan i know the feeling! i have the same situation except i have a ps3 instead of 360. but yeah no time to play
YES and get a PS3
Yes: you should sell it to me for $50
he would also purchase said Wii for $50
it takes too much effort. Trade it for an armchair.
sell it on, get a reasonable price
'give' it to me! Hubby wants one badly.
you can donate it where a bunch of kids would hopefully appreciate it
if you don't use it, but I wuldn't cause Wii rocks
hey, there are still some good games for it... okami, for example.
not many more coming, but well, I never considered it to be my main gaming console, anyway.
more like a secondary, for nintendo first party titles kinda console
I don't have buddies over often but I still have my Wii. And there are also games for one or two players. I'd keep it.
a Wii .....
i want one
can i have the wii plz
ofcourse not!!! Wii FIT FTW
no don't get rid of it. get wii fit
probably going to keep it after all
sepultura would give it to her ... then she could Wii & plurk simultaneously (yeah, more distractions)
nooo! then you can't have wii parties! and where would your mii go with no wii?!
does wii even have a keyboard? why would anyone plurk without a keyboard?
ooo...sounds good...
dosen't matter!!! it's yours do what u want with it!
nooooooooo plurk please don't let us about 3month old plurks
NOOOOOOOO - the WII is cool
give it to me