didn't realize this TE was going to be my philosphy of life in terms of parasites
latest #17
it's starting to get a bit preachy
Im still yet to use the word parasites in mine
I used it once. Mine felt kinda like my life story
i also havent cited shit yet
its all my own thoughts so far
my works cited pages have been getting less and less professional
but I stayed pretty objective in the last 2 TE, so I'm granting myself the strong opintions that have been brewing all quarter
the third is supposed to say or do something different I think
a huh, but the syllybus also says that it's supossed to pull from the other 2 specifically? i don't get that or am i paying attention
in no way following the syllabus with his
I think a lot of the syllabus is going ignored, we kind of set the course for the class ourselves.
oh good. i was kind or worried for a bit - so 8-12 pages, 2 sources is all really?
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