alupton is
16 years ago
giving keynote at AIS conf next Mon. Will include social/learning networks ... worth mentioning Plurk? :-)
latest #9
Simple says
16 years ago
for me, yes definitely- but could be confusing for n00bs
16 years ago
wondering what AIS means and is al doing
teacherman79 is
16 years ago
al plurking or playin in sl
dmcordell says
16 years ago
Hi, Al! I use both Plurk & Twitter - the different uses might appeal to different types of people. T=flow of info, P=more intimate convos.
@gkat says
16 years ago
yes, mention plurk and you'll see all your replies in one place, not scattered
alicebarr says
16 years ago
I think start with Twitter to get people used to the idea of what this whole thing is.
astro9046 says
16 years ago
as a noob, I find if you take time to explain to those truly interested twit or plurk is excellent. Kevin H does a great job with this :-D
13 years ago
It's as successful as you invest in it to be. The larger your network (friends), the more input you get.
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