kristin wonders
16 years ago
if anyone wants to do a KAL on Ravelry with me? I am making Cassidy
latest #8
MsKnitSox says
16 years ago
what a great pattern! I'd love to, except I've come to the realization I suck at KALs.
southparknittr says
16 years ago
MsKnitSox say it ain't so. I thought all us deadline types loved them. Of course I do tend to stress a small bit.
16 years ago
Then again maybe deadlines at home on top of work ones make them stressful for you. Hadn't thought about that part.
southparknittr hopes
16 years ago
that wendyknits will start a Daily Sweater KAL mumble...mumble...
i would love to--but I am not buying yarn this year and have Cascade 220, but not enough yarn :-)
i LOVE that pattern though
MsKnitSox says
16 years ago
yes katzendog - that is exactly why I'm so bad - I have enough deadlines at work that I don't want that stress at home.
kristin says
16 years ago
no deadlines here! I just want some company. It is a really great pattern. Knits up quickly!
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