14 years ago
thinking of being neko again... not permanently but just when i dont do modelling..
latest #12
Nieve Thor/Ani says
14 years ago
14 years ago
Nieve Thor/Ani says
14 years ago
Why neko?
14 years ago
i miss being Neko... uwaaa
Nieve Thor/Ani says
14 years ago
The current you is cuter :-)
14 years ago
ok2... i take ur advice... hahaha... miss being a midget la...
Nieve Thor/Ani says
14 years ago
(LOL) not midget. Just shorter than the rest of us :-P
14 years ago
sis.. i need ur sense of styling la... hahaha... i have no idea wht style i shud wear now
Nieve Thor/Ani says
14 years ago
Just experiment & take pictures. That way you know what works & what not. With picture you can refer back in time how you progress so far
Nieve Thor/Ani says
14 years ago
If you check my first ever posting up until now, you can see the transformation. Try challenge your style. I mean by colours, theme
Nieve Thor/Ani says
14 years ago
...or occasion
Nieve Thor/Ani says
14 years ago
you can start something small such casual clothes by colours. I used to start with casual because it's our daily wear.
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