Arthur is
14 years ago
at home, writing.
latest #160
14 years ago
could tell him what happened last night~
Arthur says
14 years ago
"You again? Do you not have anything better to do than follow me around?"
14 years ago
((not that I mind, of course ^o^))
14 years ago
[ 8D ]
14 years ago
shrugged. "I have lots better to do actually~"
14 years ago
sighs. "Well, I'm busy at the moment, so I would thank you to please do that instead."
14 years ago
"Are you actually doing work? My that is a shocker~" He joked.
14 years ago
glares. "Yes, I am. I don't see why that should come as such a surprise to you, considering it's been awhile since I've seen you do any."
14 years ago
waved his hand. "I do work *all* the time~"
14 years ago
scoffs. "That's an understatement."
14 years ago
chuckled. "Oui is it now?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Yes, it is. Like I said, I never see YOU do anything constructive."
14 years ago
waved his hand again sitting on Arthur's desk. "I do things constructive all the time~ Look I'll show you~" he said pulling
14 years ago
out his cell phone and dialing Alfred's number~
14 years ago
panicks. "What are you doing?"
14 years ago
"Some thing constructive~" he laughed waiting for him to pick up.
14 years ago
panics even more when he hears who's on the other end. "Would you put that away? I'm busy!"
14 years ago
grins hearing Alfred. He shook his head at Arthur. "Bonjour Alfred~"
14 years ago
mumbles under his breath, "A little TOO random if you ask me."
14 years ago
crossed his legs taking over Arthur's desk. "Mhn hush you Rosbif So Alfred~ I'm hear with Arthur, and I think he would like to speak to you"
14 years ago
can be heard in the background: "I never said that!"
14 years ago
facepalms. He knows Francis is only doing this to get under his skin, and he doesn't want to admit that it's working.
14 years ago
shook his head. "Oi, Non It is no joke~ Fuzzybrows here is just stubborn. He *realllly* would like to talk with you~"
14 years ago
mumbles, "My point exactly."
14 years ago
presses the speakerphone button. "Oi, you are now on speakerphone~ Talk"
14 years ago
speaks up. "I apologise for Francis' rude behaviour; it appears he can't help setting a new low.
14 years ago
rolled his eyes. "Well you are not going to speak to him you damn Britt."
14 years ago
sighs. "Yes, I am here. ..." This is extremely awkward. "So ... how are things?" He inwardly wants to choke Francis for this.
Francis has
14 years ago
a HUGE grin on his face.
Arthur says
14 years ago
, "What's wrong? Things not working out with your new girlfriend?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Let's just say a little bird told me about this new Chinese girl you've been seeing. Well, no matter. I'm not one to split up HAPPY COUPLES
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Then what exactly IS the nature of your relationship with that Japanese girl who Kik--er, a little bird told me you were seeing?"
14 years ago
"See I told you he was single, you crazy person~" He chimed in.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Are you sure that you haven't been seeing anyone behind my back? ... If you weren't, I suppose then I'll have to direct my annoyance
Arthur says
14 years ago
towards our resident 'little bird.'"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I think I've heard enough. So, let me get this straight. If you see a hot woman, you run off with her?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"And nothing else? I seriously don't want things between us to depend on me using my sex change machine."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Of course it wasn't me! You know what my female form looks like!"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Wait! ... If there was nothing going on between you two, I do want to know ..."
Arthur says
14 years ago
, "I can't remain like this forever."
14 years ago
shrugged and shut his phone. 'I think that went well~"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Well ... perhaps."
14 years ago
chuckled. getting off of his desk.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Well, now I suppose I'll be finishing what I started."
14 years ago
"See, I did something constructive~" he joked.
14 years ago
starts to continue, but stops. There is still something on his mind. "We'll see."
14 years ago
still can't figure out what to write next. "Fuck it. I'll finish later."
14 years ago
walks over to the kitchen to get some tea.
14 years ago
hummed following Arthur~
14 years ago
turns around. "I thought you said you hated tea -- and my cooking."
14 years ago
nods. 'Oui I-" he was cut off by Alfreds ringtone 'All the single ladies' He grinned picking it up. "Bonjour~"
14 years ago
nods. "Oui of course~ I'll be right there." He turned walking out of the kitchen and to the front door.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Where are you going? My tea is not that bad!"
14 years ago
closes his phone, and reaches the door opening it, smiling at Alfred.
14 years ago
doesn't like the look of that. It always means trouble.
14 years ago
knows that voice and shakes his head. Francis has got to stop butting in.
14 years ago
laughs returning the manly hug. "Not a problem~ Let's go pester Mr. Hard head~" he said smirking, turning to walk back into the kitchen.
Arthur is
14 years ago
taken aback. "Hello ... Alfred ... what brings you here?"
14 years ago
sighs. "What do you want to talk about? ... I suppose it would be nice to just get this resolved and out of the way so we can go on with
14 years ago
our lives."
14 years ago
sighs. "I don't hate you. It's just ... after hearing from Kiku about you and the Chinese girl, he made it sound like you had found someone
14 years ago
new, so at that point, I thought, why bother?"
14 years ago
then realises he let it slip, but it's too late now. "He told me this because he didn't want to see me get hurt."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"You know, the one you went out for ice cream with."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Yes, that person. I guess you never know who you're going to run into."
14 years ago
((thank you, lol))
14 years ago
14 years ago
((Well, he at least knows Creeper!Kiku cares.))
Arthur says
14 years ago
"That's what I needed to hear. You can still remain friends with her, of course. I won't stop you from doing that. However, if you want me
14 years ago
(( I let you be))
14 years ago
to be your ... 'valentine,' as you put it, it will have to be exclusive."
14 years ago
((Okay ^_^))
Arthur says
14 years ago
"That's precisely what I meant."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"That sort of ... thing is meant to be shared with only one person; naturally, friendship can be divided amongst many, but I just wanted
Arthur says
14 years ago
to know where I stood and where she stood."
14 years ago
blushes. This is what he wanted, though would he be able to admit it?
Arthur says
14 years ago
"........ I suppose we could ... be .... dates and stuff." He can't believe what he's saying, but it just slipped out.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Let's at least try to take it one at a time. I suppose those wouldn't hurt, though ..."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I suppose ... well .......... yes. I'm serious."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I thought it would be easier."
14 years ago
claps. "Oi, Finally."
14 years ago
turns to him. "Wait ... did you have something to do with this? ...... This had better not be a joke."
14 years ago
smirked. "I said I could be constructive~ If this wasnt constructive then I dont know what is~" he hummed.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Hopefully my ghosts will behave and not divulge themselves to you." He had almost forgotten about Alfred's crippling fear of ghosts.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Well, I suppose that you can't always be non-constructive ..."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Well ......" He mumbles "thank you" under his breath, sort of hoping he won't hear.
14 years ago
raised an eyebrow but hugged him back. "Oi, I do not know what I would do with all of those fries. There is no need." he glanced at Arthur-
14 years ago
grinning hearing him thank him~
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Don't read too much into it."
14 years ago
would normally step in ... but he might as well at least let it slide this time.
14 years ago
flailed not expecting that. "Ahhhh, r-reallly there is no need!" He didn't want French Fries anyway.
14 years ago
blushes even more. He doesn't want to appear to have gone soft ... but at the same time doesn't want to send the wrong signal. He almost
14 years ago
lost him once. "All right." He leans in to kiss Alfred.
14 years ago
blushes even heavier. "So ... well ....." He is left speechless.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Well ... I suppose so. But please resist the urge to scream like a girl if one of my ghosts materialises. They're harmless."
14 years ago
"Oi, well then~ I would *love* to crash your little slumber party~ but I have a date~. Have fun you twoo~" He said with a wave leaving.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I'm sure I'll see you eventually, then." He turns to Alfred. "They're completely harmless. They only attack on my command."
14 years ago
nods, waving back. "Oui I shall~"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"There's only one bed in there. *sigh* You do realise that your foes will see you as an easy target if you scare that easily, do you not?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Please see to it that you do not; we can't take things too quickly." He sighs and begins taking his suit off.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"That's good." He finishes removing his clothes, other than his boxers. "Well, then, I suppose it's tile to rest, then."
14 years ago
14 years ago
sighs. "I'll turn up the heat, then." He walks over to the thermostat and turns it up a bit. "Hopefully, that will be enough. Just try to
14 years ago
sleep, though."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I don't believe there are in this room."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"They tend to stay in the attic during the night, anyway."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Just try not to think about those." He thinks to himself. "I'm going to be up all night, otherwise."
Arthur says
14 years ago
((Good night ^_^))
Arthur says
14 years ago
((Glad to finally catch you online, too!))
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