tisha is
16 years ago
meeting a friend for lunch at Chaya on the Embarcadero.
latest #10
Mr San says
16 years ago
sounds so exotic
SEOHolicc says
16 years ago
and yummy
tisha says
16 years ago
never been. hope it's as good as it sounds. :-)
nikkidowns says
16 years ago
I want a review when you're done.
tisha says
16 years ago
so it's a bit of a Japanese fusion. I had butternut squash soup! very yummy! and a San Francisco Roll (crab, shrimp, tomato, asaparagus)
tisha says
16 years ago
rolled in soy paper rather than seaweed. It was pretty good. I'd rather have seaweed than soy paper! But the real crab made up for it.
tisha says
16 years ago
Then I also had a warm bread pudding for dessert.. that was freakin' fatastic...
tisha says
16 years ago
uh.. fantastic.. although it's probably fatastic too.
tisha says
16 years ago
But, unfortunately, a bit pricey for lunch.
tisha says
16 years ago
just found out our department dinner tomorrow is going to be at... Chaya. lol.
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