I'm bummed because one of my really good friends on twitter blocked me for no reason at all. One day we were talking about our mutual love
latest #13
Of writing and the next day she blocks me
how annoying that must be! Maybe it was an accidental blocking?
Well I went to her website and sent her a very unstalkerish email asking her if I offended her. So far I haven't heard anything.
I wish I could feel annoyed instead of sad.
everyone's lives are complex; sometimes things happen we're not privvy to.
had the same thing happen. It's very strange to go from great one day to nothing the next. It's disappointing but it happens :/
Well the story continues. I went to her website and emailed her. 24 hours later she writes back and says this. We were talking along
and then you got all sad and I just don't need that in my life. WTF
She said she would add me back but now I feel like why would I waste my breath talking to someone who bolts at the first sign of sadness.
I'm not sad anymore...I think Jaded is what I am starting to become.
but.....but....aren't friends SUPPOSED to be there for each other during sad times?
Thanks guys for your support. I strive to be as positive as I can be but we are all going to have down times. Now I know who my friends are
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