Ytd movie! It's so nice haha.
Stomach is so pain! Save me;(
Just ate haga daz ice cream w baby. Yummy!
Tht minnie and mickey panties i bought at velocity! <3 I'm gna wear you tmr haha.
Gng green nw! Yay finally tmr off!!!
To sleep! Feelg tired nw -,-
Waiting for tht freak to end work!!!!!!! "@&$)(;://;,?!&&7;3|~<>¥~~
Feelgs hungry agn! So pathetic~
To slp now! Meeting Cherie later! I'm gna so shop till I drop alrd -,-
Baby is off to work now!
Otw to hg green find baby now.
So happy! Bought alot of thing tdy!
Hungry but gng slp now le, tmrw still got work! ;(
Im sorry donovan doran chung yi peng!
awake now!!! I'm v v tired sigh
I'm gng get a laptop this coming Sunday! Yay thanks to my uncle(:
talking w Shuiching and eating my pocky till finish i also don't know! Howcute haha.
talking w Shuiching and eating my pocky till finish i also don't know! Howcute haha.
I'm talking w baby hehe;P
C'mon I'm just kidding lah -,-
You b'tch!!!! son if the moron -,-
Gna be late for work shi*!
Just now got 1 changing ahgua came into my shop hahaha! Make me feel like gng see ahgua nw -,-
baby come and find me later? Hmmm
Gng end work alrd! Yayness~
Like slping early everyday but can't do so always!!
20 more mins to end work~
Awake but feelg so giddy~.
Faster end of month to get pay! Me wanna do eyebrown embroidery!
Fcuk the god dam shit! I forgot to bring my iPhone charger out arghhhh!
Ytd frog porridge is nice and am missing it now~
Forgot bring charger and phone nw gna shut down le la argh >.O
Enjoy eating her old chang ki curry puff wee!
Decide to do eyebrown embroidery!
You lah. Goiut give car bang! Stop acting like a big fuck bomber girl!
That all the watch that I wear will die on me! Guess I no fake to wear watch ><
VerY very tired eh keep iron and iron those cloths!!!
My bf hor "


"\~>£•+^}{{,£ fking act cute! Hack into my fb acc change thing -,-
Otw home inside bus baby working cant fetch me sobsob..
I'm so bored! Yay 2 more hrs to go~
Keep visitig the toilet wo de tian ah~
WAiting for sweetheart buy macdonald over to my work place. Thanks lah!
Feelg v sick. My voice is gone!
I just bought my Sony vaio pink pinknlappy hehe!
So sucky! My pinky baby shld be alright sigh
To sleep lah. Pls put a bed beside me so that I could slp hahah.
Nw I Noe and uds why all this happened for the past few days
Super hungry and craving for pepper lunch
Awake from my nap. Who shld I meet? Argh so confusing -,-
I really just can't uds it sigh
So dam disappointed and I mean disappointed! Never really felt this disappointed before. Y must it happened? Why can't you tell me honestly:
My heart is not to be brought or sold, it's given by me to you baby.
Really very very down lah hais! But jut wan to keep it upon herself hais.
In my eye I could see nth but you and our memories left behind.