only has his turtle children and tomatoes for company.
shows up with rum "hej..."
"What do you have there?"
"bot'le 'o rum..." holds it out to him
swipes it from him and takes a sip. "You can sit down with me if you'd like."
pulls out another bottle "sounds goo'd...ya can 'b m' new drink'n buddy..."
stares at the bottle. "I could... I haven't had a drink in awhile."
forces the bottle to the man's lips, tipping it "then drink..."
sips at it then pushes it back. "It's okay.. I've had much better."
places the bottle down next to him. "It's not worth it. Drinking isn't always good for you, you know?"
shrugs "makes th'ns bet'r..."
raises an eyebrow "eve'ry'th'n...ya...?"
pours some of the liquid out of the bottle onto the ground. "Like?"
grabs the bottle from him "life..."
"ya've see'n m' life...more mess'd up then ya'rs..."
"Well.. I don't know about that."
pokes him. "You slept with my Lovi~"
points to himself. "So I think you're a bit better off than me!"
"'n th'at all ya li'ke...but ya'r not..."
"'ll...ya'r marr'd 'nd 'm some'one loves'ats way more than I got..."
pats his back. "Awww it's okay. You'll find someone. Is there anyone you like?"
shrugs "nej idea..." drinks more rum
knocks the bottle out of his hand. "Stop drinking and feeling bad for yourself! Go out there and make yourself available~!"
drinks out of the other bottle "who said I was sor'y fer m'self...?"
yanks the bottle out of his hands. "I can tell."
ruffles his hair. "It's okay~ You just need a healthy relationship."
laughs "li'ke th'at 'll eve'r happ'n..."
"If you want it to, it will."
"Well there are lots of cuties that are single, you just have to find them!"
"why 're we talk'n 'bout this...?"
shrugs. "I don't know. I'm just trying to help you!"
"You should be happy I'm helping you after what you did to me."
"he came on 't m'...I was play'n...he to'ok it 't th' next step..."
sighs and tips one of the bottles over. "Was it good?"
looks away. "I wouldn't know..."
stares down at the ground. "Every time we've tried to do it, we've never finished.. or even gotten up to "that" part."
pats his shoulder "'m sor'y 't hear th'at..."
wipes his teary eyes. "Was he loud? He seems like a screamer."
"ja...he scream'd out m'name over 'nd over..." feels kind of bad
cringes and on impulse punches Berwald as hard as he can in the face. "Ahhh lo siento!! I couldn't control myself!!!!"
waves it off with a smirk "'s all goo'd..."
"Are you sure?! Do you need to go to the hospital?!" pulls out his first aid kit.
pops his jaw "'m fine..." grins "goo'd hit..."
shakes out his hand and laughs. "I guess so.."
"let m' tell ya this...ya have 't force'ats what I'ke kiss him hard 'nd do't let'm go tell he melts in't it..."
takes this in. "But I don't want to force him todo anything he doesn't want to do."
"I'll have to try that next time! Anything else?"
"...mmm..." thinks about it "he li'kes it hard so do't prep'm..."
gasps. "But then I'll hurt him! I can't do that!!"
"th'ats what he wan'ts..."
"But it will hurt him! You did that to him?! You hurt my Lovi?!"
"I did what he wan't'd..."
covers his mouth with his hand in shock. "...He really liked it? I never knew my little Lovi was into those things."
"he li'ke'd it more than ya know..."
glares at him a little then turns away. "I'll tell you if it works, okay?"
smacks his ass "have at it cow'boy..." smirks
turns his head down and laughs. "You need a healthy relationship."