Tom E. Muffin wonders
14 years ago
what names Lulu and James are leaning towards for the little weeble.
latest #38
Lulu says
14 years ago
lol.. hmmm.. we have a whole list of Kinda maybe's but nothing sticks out to me as a favorite yet.. Now James has a different story
Lulu says
14 years ago
he really likes Ezekiel James or Logan James
Lulu says
14 years ago
yes I would like to name our boy with James as the middle name.
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
Ooh! I think I like Logan! I hadn't heard that you were thinking about that as an option!
Lulu says
14 years ago
but as for me and picking boy names there just aren't too many I like
Lulu says
14 years ago
and girl names there are too many I DO like
Lulu says
14 years ago
well I am not really.. because I DID like it but then I found out the meaning of it is... HOLLOW..
Lulu says
14 years ago
just seems like a horrilbe name to give to a kid
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
Oh. Yes, I would agree. And since meanings of the names are important in my book, I would have to say I no longer vote for Logan.
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
(Not that it matters what I think.) :-)
Lulu says
14 years ago
:-) see.. James is the opposite. he said aren't we all hollow before we have Christ.
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
LOL Yes, but after the baby receives Christ, then his name would have to be changed. ;-)
Lulu says
14 years ago
Lulu says
14 years ago
good news!
Lulu says
14 years ago
I just looked it up under a different site (since that definition only came from ONE resource)
Lulu says
14 years ago
it means IN A HOLLOW
Lulu says
14 years ago
Lulu says
14 years ago
not hollow like empty
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
Well, that is good news! :-)
Lulu says
14 years ago
yes.. like a small valley between two mountains.
Lulu says
14 years ago
kinda like DALE
Lulu says
14 years ago
hmm I am liking this name more and more now..
Lulu says
14 years ago
this one might have merit
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
Hey, if it has a similar meaning to Dale, then that is kind of awesome!
Lulu says
14 years ago
of course James' reasoning for having the name Logan is because he thinks it's just cool.. he feels like he is sneakily naming his child
Lulu says
14 years ago
after one of his favorite comic characters. (Wolverine)
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
I figured that ;-) But I like the sound of it, too... and I bet DC would think it very cool to have his little brother's name mean the same
Church♥Mouse says
14 years ago
as his. ;-)
Tom E. Muffin says
14 years ago
I love the name Logan! Cute name! And the Wolverine is amazing! Double awesomeness in one name.
Tom E. Muffin says
14 years ago
So, did I miss the girl name that you like?
TheSensei says
14 years ago
I vote for Logan james once again
Lulu says
14 years ago
I did not post a girls name
Lulu says
14 years ago
we have not even got it narrowed down.. too many to choose from
Tom E. Muffin says
14 years ago
Gotcha. I thought you implied there was a girls name mentioned and I wasn't sure if I missed it or something.
lyssamarie says
14 years ago
i like the name logan, idk if it matters, but just so you know, logan is also a common girls name, & the logans (both boy & girl) i knew
lyssamarie says
14 years ago
hated that
Lulu says
14 years ago
I do care.. thanks lyssamarie. I like to hear what others have to say aobut names
lyssamarie says
14 years ago
yep yep, although it's a cute name, whether it's boys or girls
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